Derek Hale (forever)

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You loved your new home, your boyfriend, and basically your new life. You're from Mystic Falls, and you are also a hybrid. You got tired of everyone thinking that you were evil, because you were involved with Klaus. That was the reason why he turned you, because he loved you. However, you had gotten tired of the "discrete" hateful looks thrown your way, and you also hated all of Klaus' schemes, and plots against your friends, so you decided to leave. You decided to head to Beacon Hills, because one of your werewolf friends told you about the town. You were also told about how these werewolves are different. You wanted different, because you knew you would be accepted.

During the time of your moving, you had met Derek Hale. At first you guys disliked each other, because he thought you were trying to take over his new acquired territory, but when he saw you only wanted a place to stay, and be involved in a pack, he graciously accepted you, and let you move in with him.

The first couple of months, he learned about what you are, and why you left your home town. Also, during that time feelings between you two blossomed, and you couldn't be anymore content, because you knew these were real. Not just attraction. You also weren't intimidated by him. Afraid he would rip out your heart at one wrong thing, literally.

You sat next to Derek as you watched all of his betas train, it was quite amusing to you, but you could sense the power each one of them possessed. "You know (Y/N) could help us." Isaac said, rolling his eyes, but you knew he was just teasing you. He reminded you of your brother, so you instantly liked him. "She could easily kick your ass." Erica said coyly. You loved Erica, she was a good friend to you, you enjoyed her bitchiness, and her attitude. "You really think you'll stand a chance?" Derek asked them. You looked up at him, and smiled. "Do you think you will?" Boyd asked. "Possibly." Derek said to them. You rolled your eyes, but you suddenly got an idea.

You jumped to your feet, and offered him your hand. He saw the mischief in your eyes, and he stood up, grabbed your hand, and walked you to the center of the floor. Isaac, Erica, and Boyd all stood on the sidelines, eyes on the two of you.

Derek transform, so you followed his lead. He made the first move, which you easily blocked. He spun you around, but in a second you grabbed his arm, yanked him to the ground, and he fell to the ground, and laid out flat, looking up at you dazed. He changed back to his human form, and you grinned down on him, delighted at your victory. You offered your hand to pull him up, and in a second you were under him. He pecked your lips quickly, and then you heard clapping, but a familiar scent flooded through your senses, you let out a growl. Derek instantly got up, pulled you behind him in a protective manner, but you shook your head, and moved in front of him.

You felt yourself transform, and you glared at the familiar, your first love, the one who made you into what you are today. "Now love, put those away." Klaus said to you. "Why don't you leave?" You said, coldly. "Why would I do that?" he asked, smirking. "Leave now, you let me go from being sired. Now go. I don't care what you want. I've moved on." You said bravely to him. You just hoped this wouldn't turn violent, because you knew you would lose against him. You all would.

"I'm just here to talk. I heard from a straggler that you were in this town. With the proper materials, she spoke quickly and honestly. But then I sniffed you out." Klaus said as he slowly walked forwards. Kind of like how a lion stalks his prey. "Just go please." you begged, you just wanted him gone. "I will, just be patient." he said irritated. "Oh you know patience isn't my strong suit." You said dryly.

"Love, don't be cruel." he spoke gently. You rolled your eyes, and you let out a huff of breath. "You came here to talk, so talk." You said as you stood a little straighter, and crossed your arms across your chest. "Why are you so afraid? You know I love you. I always will." he whispered to you, but you refused to speak. "I'm not saying you have to come with me now, since I see you built a life here, but what happens when everyone you care about grows old and dies? Where will you go then? I'll still love you, you know that, and I'll be there, waiting to comfort you in my nurturing arms." Klaus said. You knew he meant that he really does love you, but you couldn't deal with him, plus you loved Derek with all of your heart. You wouldn't think about the future, you wouldn't let yourself.

"You talked, now leave." you said harshly. "Ah, always the vault." he said, but in a flash he was gone, probably out of the city by now. Everyone was in shock about what had happened, including you. As if Derek could sense something was wrong, he pulled you into his arms and you stayed there for what seemed to be like eternity. Your not sure when the others left, but eventually they did, leaving the two of you alone.

"(Y/N), what happens when I die? You're immortal, and I'm not! How will that change things? What? What if..." he said but he was too distressed to even finish his sentence, you had never seen him like this before. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you looked up into his eyes. "Derek, believe me, I love you. I love you with all of my heart. Yes I'm immortal, but because of my werewolf gene, I can still have children, we can have a family. Then with the blood of the baby, it can turn you. Derek, I never think about me never growing old, because when I'm with you, nothing else matters." you spoke to him, trying to reassure you. His eyes gleamed, and he pressed his lips to yours gently, but you felt all of the love. "I love you so much." he breathed out as he rested his forehead against yours. "Always and Forever." you said back. "Forever, literally means forever for you." he said jokingly. You rolled your eyes, and you grinned up at him, before you kissed him again. "But my love is eternal." you whispered.

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