Scott McCall (You are Mine)

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You were at your house with the pack.Next Monday you will have a chemistry test so you thought that it would be funny to study together.Since you and Lydia were the best at this subject you helped the others.Your boyfriend Scott will come later for a final revision because he already studied for this test.

You were helping Stiles and Lydia was helping Malia and Kira.You had a lot of fun.You liked spending your time with your friends but you couldn't wait for Scott to arrive.It felt weird not being around him.Since you two confessed your feelings to each other you were never apart.You haven't saw him since yesterday and you really missed him

"Y\N, can you stop thinking about Scott and help me.You know, if I fail it will be your fault" Stiles said.

"Sorry. Let's try again.Tell me what you've memorized."you said

"Something about atoms." he said

"Good job,Stiles. I'm sure that the teacher will be impress when you'll write this."you said

"I know.I have no idea what I'm going to do.I need help."he said

"No, Stiles. You needed help when we started learning chemistry. Now, you need a miracle."

"Can you stop making fun of me and help me learn something,anything?" he said

"Ok. Let's start with the beginning ." you said

After one hour you stopped teaching Stiles. He started to understood and you thought that he could pass the test .He was so happy that he started hugging you and not letting you go.You were so busy with him that you didn't notice Scott entering the room.

"Do I interrupt something?" he said with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

You stopped and looked at him.

"Scott, hi!You arrived a little late.We finished." you said

"Yeah.Your girlfriend is amazing.She explained me these things and I understood them.Be careful, I may stole her from you." he said and you laughed.

Scott didn't said anything.

"It's a little late.I think we should go home." Lydia said

"You can go, I want to talk to Y/N. I haven't saw her since yesterday and I missed her" Scott said

'This isn't going to end well', you thought.

They all left and you stayed with Scott.

"Do you want something to eat.I bet you are very hungry" you said trying to break the awkward silence between you two.

"Do you think I'm stupid, Y/N?" he said.

"I don't understand" you said

"I saw the way you look at Stiles,the way you talk to him.I noticed this long time ago but I always thought that maybe you are just friendly with him, but today you crossed the line" he yelled.

"I crossed the line?Doing what? Helping a friend?" you yelled back

"Lying on the bed with him.Cuddling.Something you do with your boyfriend" he said.

"And you know what a good boyfriend wouldn't do?Yelling at his girlfriend.If you think that I cheat on you with your best friend then we should break ...."

You hadn't time to finish your sentence because he pinned you against a wall and started kissing you.It wasn't a gentle kiss like usually.It was a rough one.The one that has only one meaning.'You are only mine and nobody else can have you'. He left your lips and started kissing your neck.

"If this happens every time you get jealous, I should flirt with other guys more" you said

He laughed and continued kissing every inch of your body.

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