Scott McCall(no more )

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Being a lone wolf had its ups and downs. For the most part, you never got attached to people or things, which was easier to do when you were almost constantly on the run from hunters. You found yourself in Beacon Hills, running from a pack of hunters. You lost them awhile ago, but you continued until you found shelter for the night.

You found what appeared to be an abandoned home, and forced your way in. It was decrepit, but you could bare it. You sighed, sitting on the floor. You hoped that you could get a good nights sleep, but you had a feeling you wouldn't. Leaning against the wall closest to the door, you closed your eyes, trying to sleep.

-Hour later-

"It's in here." was what woke you up, and you jumped up. You heard the door being banged against, and backed up. When it opened, there were a couple of boys standing there, the one in front looking at you with confusion. The boy behind him was peeking over his shoulder, and he waved when he saw you. You took a step back, biting your lip. The boy in front was an alpha, and you felt scared, yet relieved at the same time.

The alpha held up his hands," Hi. We're not going to hurt you. I'm Scott and this is Stiles," he motioned to each of them.

You nod slightly, "I'm Y/N." He grinned, stepping into the house, Stiles following.

"Are you okay? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm fine. I mean..I'm not dead from hunters, so I'm fine," you mumble, rubbing your arm.

"You're being chased by hunters? Why?"

"....I don't have a pack. I just...roam," you shrug.

Scott nodded,"Well, you don't have to roam anymore."

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