Stiles Stilinski(overstimulation)

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It was the summer and with no Supernatural disasters to tend to, you and Stiles have had way too much free time on your hands, if you get what I mean...

Even today, the plan was to just hang out at the Stilinski place for lots of cuddles and movies and food (probably take out because both of you are always too lazy to cook) where you'd both see who could quote each movie better. So a usual Stiles and Y/n date, really.

Except during these months in your relationship where you'd been able to get to know each other a lot because of your free time - and I don't just mean get to know about the likes and dislikes, you've been way over that - Stiles was becoming more and more confident around you. You liked it, of course, but he's wanted to try something for a long time. And he was quite determined to try it out as soon as possible.

After watching a Marvel film, you sat between his legs, which were opened for you, and leaned back into his chest with a blanket over the both of you, continuously asking him what movie to watch next, but he just hummed at times, his hands at your stomach, pulling you into his body more.

"Okay, what about Batman? Dark Knight Rises?" you asked, finding the movie on the screen, picking up one of his hands from your stomach and holding it in your hand, intertwining your fingers together.

"Hmm, I don't know," he sighed out and put his chin onto your shoulders, looking up at the screen as he tried to occupy himself with anything but the feeling in his stomach. "Why don't you choose?" he asked, taking in a deep breath after finishing and then regretting it immediately. He loved your smell, even if it was just the shampoo, or deodorant or whatever it was, he would always prefer cuddling with you than anyone else.

"Stiles, what's up with you?" you asked, suddenly putting down the controller and turning around in his hold, straddling him instead so you could actually see his face. His expressions usually said a lot more than his words.

"I don't know," he groaned and leaned back into the sofa that you were sitting in front of and put his arms around your waist. "I had this idea and I can't get it out of my head," he admitted.

"Stiles, I'm sorry to say this, but your ideas don't always work out well. Stop dwelling on it," you said with a smile and he felt more uncomfortable by the minute, due to your position and now your smile. God, everything you did turned him on, how was this possible?

"Stop it," he almost whined as you let out a laugh. "Trust me, you'd enjoy this idea a hell of a lot," he said, going back to the previous topic.

"How exactly?" you asked, absolutely clueless. But then his expression made you get an idea. "Wait, was this more a dream than an idea?" you asked, getting a slight smirk on your lips.

"Maybe," he replied sheepishly.

"Your dad's at work for a while right?" you asked, leaning into him a little. He nodded, excitement replacing the discomfort.

"A long while, yeah," he told you, his hands tightening around your waist. "You better be up for it because now I'm not sure I can forget about it," he said, his tone turning husky before he cleared his throat, trying to seem normal, in fear of you rejecting him.

Why would you? This guy? You'd be stupid too.

"I'm so up for it," you whispered, leaning into his ear as you added, "Do what you want with me," you said in a low voice and his hands quickly slid to the small of your back, pulling your torso into his roughly before he pushed his lips to your neck and you could only let out a quick gasp at the movement. The other times you two had done something like this, it was sweet, normal, fun but nothing out of the ordinary. He knew what you loved now, and he would use all of those against you.

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