Scott McCall( ugly green monster)

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Jealously was something that never suited you. It made you angry, irrational and it made you push the people you cared for most away. You hated being jealous but you hated admitting that you were jealous even more.

Scott was grinning at her as she talked animatedly about something and that ugly green monster began to rear its head, "They're awful close," You commented to Lydia who was beside you taking books from her locker.

Lydia turned and pursed her lips as she watched the two converse, "She's a bit awkward at times, talks a little much, has questionable style but she's quite helpful. Besides, Scott seems to like her."

"He does?" You asked heart sinking at the very thought.

"Not like that," Lydia rolled her eyes, "She's new here and he's a nice guy - they're friends." It was your turn to roll your eyes now, "I didn't know that you'd get so jealous."

"Jealous?" You scoffed, "I'm not jealous."

"Oh, please," Lydia smirked as she closed her locker, "I know jealously when I see it. You've been crushing on Scott for years, (y/n), just tell him." Lydia turned on her heel, heading to her class, leaving you in the hall. Your eyes fleeted over towards Scott and Kira before you slammed your locker shut. I'm not jealous at all.

Your next class was Chemistry with Scott and Stiles. To say you were dreading the class was a correct statement. For the past two days, you'd barely spoken to Scott who was supposed to be one of your best friends but he hadn't seemed to notice your absence, he had Kira now.

You sat at your usual table in front of Scott and Stiles and didn't even look their way as you walked in, "(y/n)," Stiles asked, "Did you see the trailer for that movie we were talking about?"

You turned, "Yeah, it looked really good, what did you think?" You asked Stiles, trying to be oblivious to Scott's eyes that were watching your every move.

Stiles nodded excitedly, "I loved it. Hey, why don't we three go see it when it comes out?"

You paused, "Actually, I promised Danny I'd go with him..." You looked at Scott then, seeing as his face fell, "but I'm sure Kira would love to go with you." You turned around, feeling the jealously course through your veins.

Stiles tried to talk to you a few more times throughout the lesson but you pretended that you couldn't hear him. You didn't have anything against Stiles at all, you actually felt bad for ignoring him, but you just didn't want to face Scott. If you so much as looked at him, that ugly monster would come back.

As soon as the lesson finished, you practically ran from the class. You felt bad that you'd been avoiding Scott but at the same time, you didn't know if you could face him without getting jealous or saying something hurtful.

Lydia was waiting for you by your locker and her expression told you that she was planning something, "Are you avoiding Scott?" She asked, not even trying to sneak it into a conversation, "Stiles text me and said you were acting weird. Scott wanted to know if he'd upset you."

You felt a pang of guilt before you saw Kira and Scott walking down the hall laughing, "Well, if Scott thinks that he's done something wrong, why isn't he asking me himself?" You glared at the werewolf from across the hall. His head lifted, he'd heard you, but you had already turned and were storming out to the bleachers.

You'd only made it half way to the bleachers when you heard Scott shout your name from behind you, "(y/n)! Wait up!" You'd quickened your speed, knowing that it wouldn't do any good but you were angry and you wanted to make a scene, "(y/n)!" He yelled again before running towards you, catching up to you in five seconds. He was standing in front of you with an unreadable expression on his face.

"What do you want, Scott?"

"I want to know why you've been avoiding me; I want to know why for the last two days you've barely spoken to me at all. I want to know why you hate me all of a sudden." So he did notice, "What did I do wrong?"

"Why don't you go ask your girlfriend about it, Scott? She's much better than me anyway." You hissed.

"Girlfriend?" Scott frowned, "Kira?!"

You rolled your eyes, "Just leave me alone, Scott. I don't want to talk to you."

"Why not?"

"Because whenever I see you and her together it feels like my heart's being ripped out of my chest. She's lovely and pretty and totally badass and I'm here just... Just being your friend. That's all I am. That's why I've been avoiding you." Your voice cracked with emotion and you were breathing heavily. You'd told Scott; after years you finally told him. Your heart was racing and your palms were sweating as you realised what you'd just confessed.

"You-You're jealous?" Scott asked incredulously.

You glared at him, "Leave me alone, Scott. Go find Kira or somebody."

Again, you tried to walk away from him but he grabbed you wrist, turning to you to look at him again. He saw your wet eyes and he felt the sadness, "Kira's not my girlfriend-"

"Well, she sure seems like it." You scoffed.

"- I don't like her that way, she's a friend." Before you could interrupt again, Scott told you the thing he'd kept secret for ages, "I like you, (y/n)... I love you."

You blinked.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, I thought that you only thought of me as a friend-"

Your lips were on his instantly. He pulled you flush against him as one of his hands weaved in your hair. It was a long kiss, one that left you breathless and pink in the face when you eventually pulled away. Your heart was fast and you were wearing a lovesick grin.

"So you were jealous." Scott mumbled, smirking.

You rolled your eyes and slapped his arm playfully, "I wasn't jealous," He gave you a sceptical look and you sighed, "Okay, fine. I was a little jealous." He grinned at you one last time before pulling your lips back to meet his and at last, the ugly green monster was killed

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