Stiles Stilinski (notebook)

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You grabbed a popcorn bag from the pantry, unfolded it and placed it in the microwave. You pushed the popcorn button, instantly starting to heat up the popcorn that would be ready in less than two minutes. Your iPhone was already connected to your iHome on the counter and the next song was one of your favorite songs to jam out to, "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. You started dancing in the middle of your kitchen and singing with a wooden spoon as a microphone like you're having your own concert in front of thousands of people. You couldn't help yourself, it's a song you couldn't skip when it came on, and it's a song that always made you increase the volume and dance.

You were excited. Stiles would be coming over for your weekly movie night, something you started doing a couple of weeks before you started dating. It's only been a couple of months but you couldn't help how you felt about the boy. You immediately had a crush on him the moment you saw him when you walked into your English class in the middle of the semester. Your crush for him grew every day, and eventually the two of you started dating. Since then, every Friday night (if there wasn't a supernatural problem that had to taken care of first) was movie night. You provided the popcorn, candy, and the drinks, while stiles would bring pizza and chips.

You wiggled your butt and your hands were waving in the air with a wood spoon in one hand. You started jumping as you heard the last line in the second verse. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigaaiz ha. You jumped and turned around mid-air and froze in place as soon as your feet touched the cold wooden floor.

Stiles was standing at the kitchen entrance, staring blankly at you with a pizza box in his hands and a bag of chips on top. You felt your cheeks heat up. You couldn't tell if he was trying to keep a straight face from bursting into laugher, or because the thought 'my girlfriend is a weirdo' is running through his mind right now.

"I rang the doorbell and called you but you didn't answer either one. Then I heard the music blasting, so I let myself in," Stiles said.

You pressed your lips together as you saw Stiles walking towards the table to put down the pizza box. Then he started doing the shopping cart dance move, making his way towards you in the middle of the kitchen. You burst out laughing as he met you and together you danced until the song was over.

"That was so much fun," Stiles said between breaths.

"I did not know you had moves like that Stiles, " you giggled after your breathing became even.

"I'm a man of many talents," Stiles grinned.

"Yes. Yes you are." You wrapped your arms around his neck before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, and whispered in his ear, "hi."

He hugged you tight with his arms around your waist, and whispered hi back, making your stomach flip.

"Are you ready for movie night?" You grabbed the popcorn from the microwave and put it in a bowl.

"Yes, but..." Stiles trailed. "I'm a little scared to know what movie you picked out for this week."

"The Notebook."

Stiles groaned.

"Think of it as revenge for making me watch Star Warslast week."

"Hey!" Stiles said defensively as he got two cups from the cabinet. "You fell asleep a good thirty minutes into the movie."

"Again, I'm sorry about that. I know how much you like those movies, but I'm not a fan of sci-fi movies especially when they're in a weird chronological order."

Stiles made a mad face as his lips pouted in hurt. You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked.

"At least I tried, babe. So maybe you can at least try with The Notebook."

"Fine, but no promises," Stiles stated.

You nodded as you grabbed your tray with the bowl of popcorn, plates, napkins, candy, and the cup with ice and led the way to your theater room upstairs. Stiles followed behind you with the box of pizza, a bowl of chips on top, and the bottle of Sprite underneath his arm.


Tears started to form in your eyes as Allie said, "Why didn't you write me? Why?! It wasn't over for me. I waited for you for 7 years and now it's too late." You were about to tell Stiles this was the most romantic thing you've ever seen in a movie just seconds before Noah kissed Allie in the rain, until you heard a slight snore next to you in bed. You turned to your left to see Stiles facing up asleep. You thought he was giving you a taste of your medicine as a joke, but you noticed he was still, and his breathing was light and even as his chest rose up and down. He was literally sound asleep. You wanted to be mad, but you had no right to be because he lasted longer than you did when you fell asleep on him with Star Wars. Besides the minute you saw him, truly saw him and how peaceful he was, your anger washed away.

You lowered the volume, and turned your body facing Stiles and noticed the handsome boy in front of you. His dark brown hair was short, but long enough to run through your fingers and ruffle his hair. You slowly moved your eyes down and noticed a couple of light creases on his forehead. You know the kind of interesting, stressful, and life-threating life Stiles had before you met him, including being possessed by an evil spirit. Although the lines show what's he's been through, you wished you could wipe them away with the touch of your thumb, and had a simpler and normal life as a teenager.

Below, his perfect arched eyebrows looked somewhat furrowed. You wondered what he was dreaming about. His long eyelashes touched the top of his cheeks. You wished he were awake so you can stare right back into his beautiful sparkling chocolate-brown eyes. You loved his eyes because they were the kind of eyes that lit up the entire room.

Your eyes followed down his perfectly short and thin nose and then his full lips. His mouth was slightly open. His lips were perfectly shaped. You wanted nothing more than to trace them with your thumb and kiss him, but you didn't want to wake him up, because truthfully you had never seen him so peaceful and at ease than right now.

You let out a soft sigh and thought to yourself, how did I get so lucky?

Stiles, still asleep, turned to face you. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you towards his chest. You placed your head at the crook of his neck and took in the cologne you bought him for his birthday a couple of weeks ago. He lightly rubbed your lower back, and kissed your forehead. You had never felt safer, warmer, or more loved in this moment. You wanted nothing more than to be stuck in this moment forever, the moment you fell in love with Stiles.

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