Scott McCall (Caught)

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There was a new pack in Beacon Hills. To be honest it wasn't really much of a pack. It was really just you and your brother. There had been 8 of you at one point but that number began to dwindle when an evil creature in the woods of Washington came after you. You and your brother heard about the True Alpha in Beacon Hills and went to see if he'd help you track down whatever creature killed your pack. You'd been in Beacon Hills for almost two months now.

You found out his name was Scott McCall, and to be honest he was very attractive. He made your stomach do flips and your cheeks blush. You thought it was quite disgusting since you considered yourself an independent woman. You didn't want him having any affect over you.

You glance over at Scott who is currently sitting at his desk with a very concentrated look on his face flipping through a really old book. You'd been sitting in his room watching him stare at this book for almost 3 hours now and you were getting quite bored. And watching Scott stare at that book in such concentration almost turned you on. You wanted him to look at you like that.

You stood up and made your way towards his. Your hands rested on his shoulders, making him jump. He looks up at you and you give him a sly grin. He turns back to the book and you let you a sigh. You wrap your arms around his neck, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"Come on, Scott, we've been looking at this book for hours." you say, your lips pressed against his ear. His breathing quickens and you heard his heartbeat speed up. "Let's take a break."

"What did you have in mind?" Scott asks with a smirk. You turn the chair to face you and climb into Scott's lap, straddling him. You mouth immediately attaches to his neck and he lets out a loud groan.

His large hands catch your face and pull your lips to his in a hungry kiss. His hands start to roam your body, dipping under your shirt and dancing across your bare skin. He mades his way up to your bra, pushing aside the material and playing with each of your nipples with his fingers, making you let out a moan. You grind your hips into his and then it's his turn to moan.

You climb off his lap, pulling Scott up with you and quickly pull off his shirt, revealing his chiseled stomach. You run a hand over the muscles as Scott smirks down at you. You push him down on the bed, climbing on top of him again with a leg on either side of his waist. You pull your shirt over your head leaving your torso clad in just a lacy black bra.

"Damn, Y/N, you're gorgeous," Scott mumbles but it turns into a moan as your lips press against his neck once again. You work your way down to his collarbone and then down his toned chest and stomach until you're just above his jeans. You pull them down just a centimeter, leaving another kiss, earning another moan from Scott.

Scott grabs your arms, pulling you back up and then flips you over so he is on top. He starts to kiss down your neck and over your breasts. His right hand begins to play with your breasts before sliding downwards and into your jeans. He dips a finger inside you without warning and you let out a deep moan. He begins to thrust in and you as you feel pressure building in your stomach.

"Scott, faster," you mumble. He adds another finger and begins thrusting harder. You scream as you release and you work to regain your breathing. Scott removes his hand from your jeans, your juices covering his fingers. He sucks them both clean.

"Y/N, baby, you taste so good."

You smirk. "It's your turn Scott."

You flip him over again and unbutton his jeans, pushing them down his legs until they're at a pool at the end of the bed. You begin to palm him through his boxers. Scott throws his head back and arches his back in pleasure.

"Y/N?" you hear a voice call from outside the door. You gasp and scramble up from the bed as your brother barges into the room. He looks around and then his eyes change to a blood red.

He grabs Scott and throws him against the wall. He picks Scott up by his neck and holds him against the back of the door, his feet dangling just above the floor.

"I thought you were studying the bestiary, not my sister." he roars at Scott. "I'm going to fucking kill you McCall."

"Y/B/N, stop." you yell. He turns to you, his eyes still bright red. "I'm only a year younger than you I'm not a baby. I appreciate you trying to protect me from evil creatures and people trying to kill me but you don't need to protect me from Scott."

Your brother's eyes go back to their normal color. He drops Scott on the ground and he slumps over, trying to regain his breathing. "You hurt her McCall and I'll kill you." you brother warns before leaving the room.

"Let me know if you guys find anything otherwise I don't think I'll be dropping over for anymore impromptu visits." your brother calls as he makes his way towards the front door.

You quickly rush over to Scott to make sure he's alright. "I'm okay." he assures you. Leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes, concentrating on his breathing.

You sit next to him with your back against the wall, your shoulders touching. "I'm really sorry." you say quietly.

Scott looks over at you. "For what?"

"For the way my brother freaked out at you. You shouldn't have to deal with that."

Scott smirks. "It's not your fault. Plus I'll gladly take your brother freaking out at me if we get to do that more often. It's well worth it."

You let out a laugh. "For real?"

"Yeah, to be honest, Y/N, I've kinda had a little thing for you since you showed up here in Beacon Hills. All strong and independent and can fend for herself. It's a huge turn on. Plus I found out you're a pretty good kisser." Scott leans towards you, your lips dangerously close.

"You're not so bad yourself, McCall. And I might have liked you since I got here too."

"Alright, so how about next time we hang out I take you on an actual date instead of sitting in my room reading books of supernatural creatures in archaic latin."

"It's a deal." you say as Scott's lips meet yours.

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