Scott McCall (reunited)

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Ten years ago, Y/N McCall had disappeared and killed. No body was found. The case closed.

Dragging her self into the police station, Y/N McCall almost collapsed. She had been walking for miles, limping along bare footed down the roads of Beacon Hills, mumbling 'Help. I need help.'

"Ma'am!" Deputy Parrish said, the girl falling into her arms. "W-what happened?" He asked her before yelling over his shoulder for a medic. The request got Scott and Stiles' attention, the two boys were there helping Stiles' dad. They shared questioning looks before going to where needed.

"Help... I'm Y/N McCall." You groaned, coughing a bit. "Help..."

Scott stared at the girl covered in dirt, feeling tears gather in his eyes. "Y/N... My sister."

"Y/N!" Melissa shouted, rushing to the room where her apparent daughter was being held. "Oh my God Y/N!" She burst through the door, already feeling tears in her eyes. She's still alive. My baby is still alive.

Melissa gasped at the back view of her child, the two younger boys came in, stopping as well. Y/n was sitting on the hospital bed, a hospital gown on, watching Curious George while eating a bowl of Mac 'N' Cheese. The gown gave the three a perfect view of Y/N's back, all the long scars, the ten years of pain she went through, shown.

"Mom?" Y/N said, turning around when she heard the gasp. Her face was weak, dark circles under her eyes, fear and confusion in her eyes.

"Yes," Melissa whimpered, letting tears roll down her face as she approached her daughter with open arms. "I'm here sweetie."

This wasn't how Melissa was suppose to spend her Christmas eve, visiting the town's jail, and speaking to her daughter's killer.

"Can you just please," She begged, getting mad at how calm Mr. Ashfort was presenting himself. "Just tell me where Y/N is at..." No matter how hard the police interrogated Hank Ashfort, all the man who wore the orange jumpsuit told the police that he killed the little girl Y/N McCall. He wouldn't tell them how, wouldn't tell them where he put her body.

"Why?" Hank asked the mother of now one, cocking his head to the side paying attention to her every move, every emotion she felt.

"Because!" She sobbed, "All I want for Christmas is to give my daughter a proper funeral."

"No." He spoke, his voice still level, before turning to the police man who was monitoring their conversation. "I would like to leave now, I- I'm done talking."

The McCall's must have hugged Y/N about a million times, "Whose that?" Y/n asked her older brother who she thought she was never gonna see again, looking over at the teen in the corner, fighting with his fingers nervously.

"Oh," Scott said, pulling away from the hug, "Um, Stiles," Scott finished, his hands going into his pockets, Scott nodded his head to his sister.

"Oh um, h-hi" Stiles stuttered. Stiles didn't know how to feel. For a while he took your disappearance as his fault. He was the one that told you to go to the swings. He was the last person you spoke to. "I'm Stiles... Stilinski. You may uh, remember me." He finished, walking over to Scott.

"Stiles..." You murmured, your eyes squeezing shut. "You- you were there...Just never... I don't know." You ended, opening your eyes, shaking your head looking away from the two.

"Y-You remember me?" Stiles asked, stepping small steps closer to where you were sitting.

"I remember leaving you for the swings... And then there was this dog, Charlie... Just never mind."

The two boys spent the whole day with you. Stiles, expectantly, not wanting to leave you alone and have the same thing happen.

Melissa smiled as she watched the three kids. Stiles was sitting next to you, your arms wrapped around his neck in a hug as you both watched Curious George. Scott sat on the ground, eating the apple you didn't want.

"We found her," Sheriff Stilinski said in a happy tone, walking up to where Melissa McCall stood.

"No, she walked into the station. She saved herself." Melissa defended, crossing her arms over her chest. The last thing she wanted was to talk to the man who insisted that there was nothing else to investigate in her daughter's abduction.

"Ms. McCall..."

"Sheriff, with all due respect I do not want to talk to the man who wouldn't even look for my daughters body. You were so sure that Hank burred her body that it would be a quote 'waste of time' to even search. I'm sorry but maybe you should get a new job as a grossing guard for the elementary. Maybe then you'll be able to save a child's life."

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