Stiles Stilinski (notes)

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There was something about my partner that made me like him. He was always filled with joy and you'll see him laughing with his friends. Telling a stupid joke or probably being sarcastic. That's what i love about him.


His name was Stiles and since last year we were assigned seats next to eachother. Through that period of time he always made me laugh that ended with us both getting detention.

Whenever our hands brush against eachother, i feel some sort of electricity run through me. And he somehow manages to make millions of fireworks go off in my stomach. I am inlove with him. But sadly, we're not together.

Me and Stiles, we're something. We're more than friends but less than lovers. We were something and i couldn't exactly say what. We always flirt with eachother, or being extremely close. It's confusing but we're definitely something.

We were sitting in Mr. Harris class, completely bored out of our minds. I looked over at Stiles and he was scribbling something in his notebook. Chemistry was the most boring class ever and with Mr. Harris teaching, it's worse.

I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and started writing down on it before passing it to Stiles.

"I think he wants us to die today"

Stiles grabbed the note from the table and opened it. I looked over at him and he was giggling. He looked over at Harris before looking back at me. 'True that' he mouthed and i smiled, turning my attention to the book that's laying infront of me.

A second later the note was laying next to my book. I grabbed it and looked at Stiles before opening it.

"I think this has been his plan all along. Slowly torture us with his lessons and then boom! He kills us!"

I laughed but quickly shut my mouth once i saw a student glare at me. I looked at Mr Harris if he noticed but he didn't,thank god. If he sees me and Stiles not paying attention, he'll probably give us triple detention and i don't want that.

"We're going to get caught, pretty boy."

I smiled as i wrote down the nickname. It's true, Stiles is a pretty boy. Well in my eyes he is the most perfect pretty boy. I crumble the note and passed it to him.

I looked at him and he was writing something down on the paper. I glanced at Harris before looking at Stiles again. He looked up and gave me a smile, handing me the paper.

"I think you got it wrong m'lady. You're the pretty one in here. Prettiest of them all."

I could feel my cheek started to get red. I turned my head away slightly from Stiles, not wanting him to know that he makes me this way but i heard him chuckle.

"Don't hide yourself away from me, love." He whispered and i looked at him with a smile on my face. "That's better."

I rolled my eyes and started writing down. I was halfway writing when Mr. Harris called my name.

"Y/n!" Harris called and i looked up from my seat. Everyone's eyes were on me and i was started to feel nervous. I never liked it when students stared at me.

"Yes?" I asked barely above a whisper.

"I asked you a question that we need to know for the exam." Harris said and he sighed before repeating the question.

"The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is?" Harris asked and i looked over ar Stiles but he just shrugged his shoulder.

"Fe?" I said, more in a question kind of way. Harris looked at me surprised. He said that i got the answer right before he continued with his lesson.

"You're such a big fli.. Thanks for not helping me"

Stiles grabbed the paper and his eyebrows were furrowed. I decided that i would atleast pay attention for 10 minutes. I looked at Harris wondering what the hell he's talking about.

A paper fell on the ground and i picked it. I thought it came from someone else but it was from Stiles.

"I didn't know the answer, sorry! :(

Fyi, i want ice cream right now"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a new piece of paper from my notebook. Notmally i would be paying attention, but with Stiles next to me. That's impossible.

"I want cake... And maybe you ;)"

I smirked as i heard him cough a bit. I looked over at him and his face was red. He shifted a bit on his seats and he started to write. Sometimes you have to spice things up. He was about to pass me the note when Mr. Harris stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing Stiles?" He asked as he fold his hands and looked at Stiles for answers. Everyone in the class was staring and i was also looking at him, terrified.

"Passing my lovely friend a note." He said calmly and i hope that he can let this one go. But as always he doesn't.

"And what is written on that note Stiles? Read it outloud!" Harris demanded but Stiles shook his head no. I could see he was getting nervous and now all i want to do is hug him and kiss him.

"Read it now!" He demanded and Stiles sat still in his seat. Not daring to move or say a word. "Read it or you're expelled." He threatenes and i quickly gulped.

Stiles sighed in defeat before standing from his chair. 30 children are waiting for is he going to say. Curiosity is killing them.

"I want you, bending infront of me." Stiles read out loud, feeling embarrassed as everyone started laughing. I groaned at these stupid kids in here.

"This is stupid. So what Stiles wrote that?! Atleast he's getting something unlike you losers who only spends their free time touching themself. Now, shut the fuck up or else." I threatened and the whole class fell quiet and also Mr. Harris was stood there, speachless.

A note was passed to me again and i looked at Stiles and he was smiling at me. I opened the note and smiled. It was a simple thing writting on there but it made me smile.

"Thank you."

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