Scott McCall (Beautiful pt.2)

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6 months later

"Scott, I had a really great time tonight," I looked away from the Beacon Hills skyline from the windshield to Scott as we sat in his mother's car on top of a hill.

His arm around my shoulder tightened as he pulled me closer to him. "I'm glad you did. So did I, princess." His soft lips pressed against my temple.

My hand cupped his cheek as he pulled back. My eyes scanned every feature, his warm and soft brown eyes, the curve of his perfect nose, his full and pink lips, and his crooked jaw that I loved peppering kisses across. It was hard to believe someone as kind, perfect, and caring liked me back, the girl who was never skinny enough and always picked on about my looks. It always seemed too good to be true.

Scott dipped his head and leaned in, pressing those perfect pink, full lips against my chapped lips. His kisses were always so gentle and sweet. It never failed to release the butterflies in my stomach and make my heart flutter at the same time. I had nothing to compare it with, but I imagine most kisses are supposed to be like this.

Like a moth to a flame, my lips were instantly drawn to his, moving in perfect sync. I placed my hands on his chest, feeling his hard pecks underneath, only making me wish his shirt was thrown somewhere in the back seat of the car.

Scott's warm and rough hands cupped my cheeks tenderly, pulling me closer, causing a small moan to escape from the back of my throat. I pulled away, my chest rising and falling quickly, and noticed the middle console was in our way. "Do you want to move to the back seat?" Scott voice was so deep and raspy.

My head was up in the clouds, spinning. This was all new to me. I've never made out with a boy in the backseat of a car. It was exciting yet nerve-wrecking, as I knew things tend to get heated in back seats. Unable to speak, I bit my lip and nodded. Scott crossed over the middle console and moved to the side, making room for me. I mimicked his actions, only to have my shoe stuck in the cup holder and trip forward, instantly falling on top of Scott. With his quick reflexes, Scott catches me with his hands on my arms. He chuckled as he looked into my eyes, "Are you okay?"

I felt my cheeks go hot, obviously turning pink, if not red as tomatoes. So much for being smooth and subtle. "Yeah, I think so. My shoe got stuck."

"Let me help you with that." Scott slowly and gently removed my foot from the cup holder. "There. All better."

"Ha," I swallowed hard, suddenly realizing how close we were and feeling the warmth radiating from his body as mine was on top of his. "Thank you," I whispered.

"No problem," Scott's voice sounded deep, huskier than just moments ago. His lips found mine again. My hands slowly moved up to his neck, fiddling with the bottom of his hair.

Scott's hand, the one that was on my ankle, slowly moved up my leg. Before he could reach past my knee, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my hip. His fingertips brushed against the little exposed skin between my jeans and top. The tips of his fingers were burning through my skin. Scott let out a deep groan as my hand slid through his hair and tugged it a bit.

Without breaking our kiss, Scott shifted to lay me down as I instantly wrapped my leg around his waist pulling him closer. I felt a tight bulge underneath me. Suddenly, I was thankful for reading so much fanfiction smut to know what to do. I slowly grind my hips against his and the feeling was sensational. I could only imagine how more amazing it would feel if we were actually doing the real thing instead.

Scott released a low and deep groan, which spurred me on even more. His hand slowly slid underneath my shirt, slowly taking in every inch of my body. I grabbed his hand and placed it on top of my bra. Thank goodness I was wearing my good black bra. He cupped my boob before rubbing his thumb across the thin-laced fabric, causing me to gasp; only resulting Scott to slip his tongue in.

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