Derek Hale (babe)

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Scott's pov*

There I sat holding her in my arms. The love of my life.
"Allison! Please don't die. Don't leave me please baby!" I cried out

"Scott" She managed to choke out "I love you. I will always love you"

A loud sob escaped me. She kisses my lips one more time and with that she was gone.

Allison my first and only love gone.


*A few hours pass*

We were all in Derek's loft besides my current girlfriend, (Y/N)

"She's gone Derek! Allison is dead! How could this happen!" I cried to him

"Um she was killed.." Derek cockly responded.

I gave him a dirty look. "Are you fucking kidding me Derek! Really!?"

"Well hey you don't sound too good freaking about Allison while you have A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND THAT WILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!" He shouted at me.

"(Y/N) doesn't matter right now! Not everything is about her! I will always love Allison more than her and anyone for that matter! Allison was the only one for me."

I heard a quiet whimper and looked over. There stood (Y/N).

"S-Scott do you mean that?" She asked.

I didn't respond. She broke down crying.

Derek looked at her sympathetically "(Y/N) don-"

She ran away. As he stepped closer

"(Y/N)!!" He yelled. "Good job Scott" he barked at me.

*Your pov*

I can't believe Scott said that. Why would he say that? He said he loved me. I thought he was over Allison..

I just kept running. I don't know where I was going I just had to leave. I thought I heard my name but I wasn't too sure.

"(Y/N)!!" You heard. Yep someone was calling me. I stopped and turned around noticing the voice as Derek's.

He caught up to me "(Y/N) honey where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm just trying to get away from Scott. I don't even know" I sobbed.

He embraced me in a hug.

"(Y/N) it's okay. He doesn't deserve you anyway. I'm sure he'll be crawling back to you in a couple of days. Now let's get you home"

*The next day*

Derek took me home last night. He didn't stay long he just took me into my room and put me in my bed, covering me up and kissing my forehead. Then he told me to go to sleep and left.

I woke up with a headache. "Great" I thought.

I checked my phone to see if Scott called or texted me. Nope. Just a few texts from some friends. Then I got a new text from Derek.

"I'm coming over in 5 minutes" it said.

I got up and looked in the mirror. Holy Shit I look terrible! I washed my face quickly and applied my make up. I changed my clothes putting on skinny jeans and a hoodie. "Good enough" I thought.

There was a knock at my bedroom door and in came Derek.

"Hey (Y/N)" he said.

"Hi Derek" I answered and sat on my bed. He sat next to me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"How are you doing?"

"Fine I guess, Scott hasn't tried to contact me yet."

"I'm sure he will soon. And if not it won't be so hard for a beautiful girl like you to find a new guy" he chuckled

I blushed "thanks Derek" I giggled slightly

The day went on and nothing from Scott. Wow I thought. Nothing? Really??

Finally it was time for me to go to sleep. Derek left hours ago.

I got ready for bed and checked my phone a text from Derek

"Good night beautiful" I blushed. He was never this sweet to me. He usually messed with me making fun of me and stuff. But nothing to be mean or insulting. Just for fun. I texted back

"Good night Derek (:"

Then layed down and slowly drifted into sleep.


About a week later. Nothing from Scott.

"That's it!" I thought. I'm done!

I grabbed my phone and punched in Scott's number.

He picked up


"Hey Scott, this is your so called "girlfriend" You said rudely.

"What the Fuck do you want"

Really? Be strong don't cry.

"Well I thought I'd be the bigger person and actually tell you that it's over."

"Whatever. Good luck finding someone as good as me to put up with your bullShit"

"My bullshit!! Scott what has gotten in to you! You're never like this! What happened!?"

"I'm done talking have fun being someone else's Whore" and with that he hung up.

What the he'll happened to him! He was always sweet to me. Like Ughh!
I called Derek and told him everything.

"I'll be right over, Babe."

What? Why'd he call me babe? I have to admit I kinda liked it. It made me feel a tingle type thing. That's weird..

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