Chapter 2

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Keeping my eyes on him I slowly walked down the rest of the stairs until I was right next to him. I've never seen him before but I was mesmerised by his gorgeous green eyes, I've never seen eyes perfect. I started to look at the rest of his face, he had a slight stubble on a very defined jaw line and this wavy brown hair that I'd love to run my hands through. He was definitely older than me, probably around 22 maybe? I was interrupted from my trance by someone clearing their throat. I turned around to see where the noise came from and that's when I noticed my mum with another man who I had never seen before. I squealed with excitement when I saw my mum and ran over to hug her, I hadn't seen her for over a year now. I've missed her so much but me and Diego understood that she wanted to go travelling for a bit because since dad's death she's not stopped. Having to raise two children and be the step-in Alpha until it was time for Diego to step up, she's been very busy but now that me and Diego are basically adults she felt it was the right time to go. Since she's been gone Diego took over the Alpha role, but it hasn't been made official yet. I started to bombard her with questions about her travels but was interrupted when Diego and Ann came into the hallway.

"What's all the squealing about?" Diego said before noticing the others in the room but once he caught their scent his head snapped up.

"Hello Son, have you missed me?" Mum said with her arms outstretched waiting for a hug from him.

"Wow your back mum, why didn't you tell us you was on your way back? We could of picked you up and got the pack round" Diego quickly said.

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise! I see you've finally met your mate" Mum said smiling towards Ann.

"Hey Hayley" Ann said shyly.

"Come here silly, I've known you since when you first started coming round here!" Mum said going over to Ann and giving her a hug.

"Well like you all know I went off travelling, well on my travels I met Tom and his son Oliver and well we got on really well and connected so much. We found out that we both have lost our mates and helped each other with it" Mum said walking towards Tom, with him putting his arm around her waist.

'Oh so the cute boy is called Oliver' I thought to myself.

"We also have some good news.... We are getting married" Mum said excitedly.

Diego, Ann and I went wide-eyed with shock from the news mum just told us.      

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