Chapter 22

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When we all arrived at the mall we headed to the first baby shop we saw. Freddie was laughing happily in his pram whilst I pushed him and the girls fussed over him.

"So what's the big news Megan?" I asked.

"Rory proposed" she said happily and showed off the ring on her finger.

We all squealed happily and jumped up and down, we've been waiting for Rory to finally propose for what felt like ages. We then walked into the shop and looked around. The girls kept showing me cute outfits and going aww at them. We put some of the outfits into the basket and carried on. We walked round for a few hours and ended up buying loads of outfits for the twins and outfits for Freddie. We also got loads of baby toys like rattles, teddies and some musical toys and also some teething rings and toys for Freddie. We then got baby seats also some more diapers and stuff. We walked back to the cars and had to put some in each car because we had so much. I picked Freddie up and fastened him into his baby seat. I gave him his teddy what I brought him today, it was a little bear.

"Hey guys why don't we play a game" I say smiling.

"What?" the girls asked.

"Let's go to that massive shop round the corner and do a race in pairs, try and get as much stuff in half an hour. Cause we've barely got any kid's stuff at the pack house seeing as Maisy was the last baby" I say smiling.

"Yeah" they screamed.

We all got in the cars and drove to the toy shop nearby. We parked up and walked together to the entrance, I looked up and saw it was called Joy, strange name. We got into pairs and got our trolleys. Me and Freddie were a pair so I sat him down on the baby seat on the trolley. Miley and Daisy were a pair and Tia and Megan were a pair. We all set a timer on our phones then lined up next to each other.

"Ready" we said in union.

"Set" we got into running positions.

"Go!" we shouted.

We all ran in different directions. Me and Freddie ran to the baby section and I grabbed a few pinks teddies and a few blue teddies. I also grabbed three wolf teddies and I grabbed some more teething rings. I then ran to the jewellery section I went to the cashier and asked for three moon shaped bracelets and necklaces. I threw them into the trolley and ran to the technology area. I grabbed a new docking station and I also grabbed some new headphones. I then went to the art area and grabbed some paint sets, drawing sets and lots of paper. I then saw the most beautiful thing ever and I quickly ran over to it.

I picked the guitar up and gently put it in the trolley. I then got all the stuff I needed for it. I checked my phone and saw I had five minutes left. I then thought of last things I needed I ran to the outside area and grabbed three sit-in kid cars what can be remotely driven. I picked up the receipt for them because I couldn't fit them in the trolley. I also grabbed three silver scooters and put them in the trolley. I started heading back to the check out when I saw a football set which had nets and everything with it and popped that in the trolley, luckily it was a bit trolley. I checked my phone and saw I had 30 seconds left so I quickly ran the rest of the way to the check out and saw the others were back as well. We all went to separate check outs and payed for our stuff. After we payed we looked at all our stuff, oh no.

"We won't be able to fit everything in the cars" I say worriedly.

"It's okay the boys are coming in their separate cars" Miley said.

"That's okay then" I said smiling. I looked down at Freddie and saw that he was sleeping, aww.

We waited a while till the boys came and they helped us put the stuff in their cars, Oliver didn't let me help out too much because I'm pregnant. If you're wondering how we can spend so much money and not worry about it, it's because our ancestors left us lots of money (happy dance). When everything was in the car we all drove off back home.

When we got home we took our stuff to our rooms and found out I won the race, I think it was because I've got three kids to buy things for and knew what I needed to get for them. Me and Oliver was outside near the car, I showed him the football set and he smiled brightly.

"I thought you would want it so you can play football with Freddie and the twins when they are old enough" I said happily. We left the cars, scooters and football set in the garage and took the other stuff into our room. We put Freddie down in his crib to let him carry on having a nap.

"I have a surprise" we both said at the same time and we laughed.

"Okay you first babe" Oliver said. I smiled and went and grabbed the things I got for the unborn babies and Freddie.

"I got these for the twins and Freddie" I said and showed him the bracelets, necklaces and wolf teddies.

"Aww they're adorable babe" he said smiling.

"I thought we could go get their names engraved on them" I said.

"Yeah that's an amazing idea" he said.

"Thanks so what did you want to say?" I asked curiously.

"Ok well I thought with the babies on the way I thought it was best to get a bigger car-" he was interrupted by me.

"That's a brilliant idea babe" I said smiling happily.

"I haven't finished yet I have also brought us a new house" he said.

"Why babe our house is here and remember you told me you're the next alpha" I questioned.

"I know but I thought we could get a new house but still be alpha's and use this house for everyone who needs it" he said.

"That's actually a....really good idea" I said smiling.

"The house isn't ready yet but when it is I will show you" he said smiling.

"Okay babe" I smiled.

"I love you so much Mimi" he said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too Oliver" I said hugging him, Reggie yaps happily from his bed.

"We love you too Reggie" Me and Oliver laugh.

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