Chapter 21

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When I wake up again later that day, I re-think about what happened earlier today...did I hear her right? Or was my mind playing games and made me think that was what she said. I slowly get up out of bed and noticed Fraser was no longer there, I checked my phone and saw a text from him.

'Morning beautiful, really sorry I had to go work and didn't want to wake you, love you'

I smiled to myself and text him back saying 'love you too' and set my phone back down. I changed my clothes and tamed my hair again then slowly head downstairs. I overheard talking but it soon stopped when I got to the bottom of the stairs. I headed towards where the speaking came from and saw Dad, mum, Cole and Logan.

"Hey?" I said unsure.

"Sasha, please sit down we need to talk about your actions earlier on that poor girl Ebony" Dad said. I slowly sat down looking at everyone, aware that they all looked angry or disappointed at me.

"Sasha, please explain why you attacked Ebony this morning?" Mum said calmly.

"I woke up and started going downstairs but heard Ebony speaking on the phone, she was saying she was going to burn the house we could hurt like her mum I think she said. Then I started hitting her cause I wasn't going to let her hurt any of you" I said.

"Sasha are you 100 percent sure she said that?" dad asked.

"You should be questioning her not me! I'm not the one threatening to burn the house down! Just cause I'm the only girl in this house doesn't mean I can't protect this family! I give up with you all, I'm off" I shout and run out the house towards the forest.

When I'm far enough away I transform into my wolf and just run. I just don't stop running, running is the best way to get my anger out at the moment. When I do finally stop running, I realise it's been around 6 hours and I'm now quite far away from home. I'm not going back to that house though, they don't even believe me so why would I want to be there! I run in my wolf form towards a city I could hear nearby. When I was about 5 minutes away from the city I changed into my human form, quickly putting my clothes on and walked the rest of the way. When I got into the city I slowly walked around and realised I was in Las Vegas. I have no money, no place to sleep and I know no-one around here. I look around at everyone whilst carrying on walking when I noticed...Orlando, Cole's friend. He noticed me as well and started walking over. Why is he here? I then remembered that he lived out here. I then started freaking out, he's going to tell Cole where I am?! I was about to run away but it was too late cause he was stood right in front of me.

"Hey Sash, where's your family?" he asked.

"They're not here.." I say quietly.

"You're here all by yourself?!" he questioned.

"Yeah, don't tell Cole!" I said suddenly.

"Calm down, I won't but promise me you have somewhere to go?" he asks.

"Well..." I drifted off.

"Well that's not happening, why don't you stay with me? I've got this flat not far from here, it's only me and my friend who lives there" he says.

"I don't want to be a burden" I say.

"Oh no you won't be, it will be fine with me and my flat mate" he says smiling.

"Thank you so much Orlando" I say quickly hugging him.

"It's fine Sasha, follow me" he says smiling.

We both started walking off towards his flat, I just hope he doesn't tell Cole where I am....

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