Chapter 4

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Mimi's Pov

I stood there in shock, never did I think that mum would marry again. I'm happy that she's found someone but I'm just so shocked. On top of that I kept feeling really self-conscious around Oliver because he kept looking at me. Oh no I bet I have something on my face, I slyly wiped at my face whilst no-one was looking. I then noticed no one had spoked in a while so I decided to clear the air.

"Why don't you lot go into the living room and we can talk about this properly. Any of you want a drink?" I asked.

I had a response of all different drinks; I nodded and headed to the kitchen whilst they all slowly headed to the living room but I heard footsteps following me. I turned around and found out it was Oliver following me. I quickly checked my face in the mirror in the hallway without him noticing. Nope don't have anything on my face, so why was he looking at me then?...

I got to the kitchen and started preparing all the drinks but was interrupted by someone spinning me round. I came face to face with Oliver us both just looking into each other's eyes. I was breathless from the surprise but couldn't look away. When I came back down to earth I blushed and looked down and noticed he just got lemonade all down me and on the floor.

"Thanks a lot idiot you just made me spill lemonade all down me!" I said angrily, but deep down I wasn't really angry.

"Sorry I...I was just... " he said shyly.

"Was just going to what?" I said annoyed starting to clean up the mess.

"Doesn't matter, I-I'm really sorry, here let me clean up" He said sadly and started to help.

"No its ok you've caused enough trouble just make yourself useful and make the drinks and take them through!" I ordered him.

He quietly started making the drinks whilst I finished cleaning up and headed upstairs to change my top, why are boys so stupid?!

'Don't be angry with him' My wolf said annoyed.

'I can't help it, he just got lemonade all down me' I said angry.

'He was trying to kiss you dumbo!' My wolf said, I could tell she would be rolling her eyes.

I was so confused, why would he be trying to kiss me? He's my soon to be step brother! I pushed it to the back of my mind as I carried on walking upstairs to my room to get changed.

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