Chapter 11

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When I finally got home I was so relieved, I hated hospitals with a passion. Oliver kept fussing over me but I told him not to cause I was perfectly fine. I walked into the living room and was surrounded by everyone hugging me and trying to talk to me.

"'t...breathe" I say trying to breathe.

Everyone gave me some space and I heard mutters of apologises. I gave them all a small smile and gave them independent hugs. I then noticed someone standing in the corner, he looked quite familiar but I'm not sure where from.

"Hey whoever you are" I smiled nicely to the stranger. Normally I wouldn't even talk to a stranger wolf but if he's in the pack house he must be fine.

"Mimi, this is my older brother Louis" Oliver introduced him. I then realised he said brother?! He's back?!

"I'll explain later" Oliver whispered into my ear, I nodded a ok.

"Hi Louis" I said smiling more and putting my hand forward for a handshake. Louis shook my hand and smiled.

"Hi Mimi" he said still smiling, I pulled my hand back before it got awkward. When I looked round everyone was talking to each other but Oliver was sending death glares towards his brother.

"Okay guys I'm off up for a shower" I say skipping upstairs. When I got to my room I grabbed some clothes from my closet and went to the en-suite.

After my shower I felt so much more relaxed and ready to talk to everyone. I walked out my en-suite hearing Oliver enter my room but went out after putting on my clothes and sorting my hair out.

"Hi" Oliver says huskily.

"Hey" I say back. Oliver pats the bed next to him, signalling me to join. I lay down next to him and hold his hand, I've missed him so much.

"I've missed you baby" Oliver says leaning over me.

"I've missed you too" I say kissing him on the cheek.

He kisses me gently on the corner of my lips and down my neck.

"Don't tease" I say pouting.

He smirks and kisses me just below my ear on my sweet spot which makes me moan. I start kissing him down the neck whilst pulling his top up. When his top comes off I start kissing him on his abs, yum. He starts pulling up my top but then there was a knock on the door. Oliver growled and I threw him his top back. I pulled my top back down and ran over to the door. I fixed my hair quickly in the mirror and opened my door.

"Hey" I say smiling at Louis. Oliver walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hi...bro" Oliver growled.

"It's dinner time" Louis said smirking looking at Oliver. I looked behind me and saw Oliver topless, oh no Louis thinks we... But why is he smirking?

"Ok will be down in a minute" I say smiling.

I close my door when Louis walked away and looked at Oliver.

"After dinner your telling me why the hell you and Louis hate each other!" I say firmly and walked out of my room.

~After Dinner~

After dinner I went out to the lake, I used to come here all the time when I was younger but I haven't been back for ages. Me and dad used to sit here and just talk, it was our way of us having daddy daughter time. I sat down on the edge of the lake, I took my sandals off and slowly put my feet into the cold water. I flinched a bit at the coldness of the water but soon got used to it. I sat back and admired the sky and clouds, I started thinking about Dad and Diego. I miss them both so much I wish they were here with me and we could be a family again. I smiled at the thought of us all messing around and being so carefree, But that's all changed now. I then started thinking about Oliver and his brother Louis, why are they so angry at each other. Louis seems fine to me, am I missing something?

I kept thinking about everything till I heard footsteps nearby, before thinking it over I quickly lowered myself into the lake. I then realised I needed to breathe, I slowly swam up to the surface so I could catch my breath hoping and praying the stranger had gone. But when I got to the surface I saw a pair of feet, I cussed and looked at the stranger. When I saw his face I let out a sigh of relief, it was Louis.

"Having a nice swim!" he asks with a smirk.

"Shut up" I say sticking my tongue out.

"You must be freezing" he said ignoring me when I stuck my tongue out. I then noticed how cold I was and I nodded my head.

"Let me help you out then" he said smiling nicely.

He held out his hand to me and I gratefully took it. I stood out the lake shaking, whilst Louis tried warming me up. He took off his top and gave it to me, I signalled him to turn round and he did what I said, what a gentleman. I quickly pulled off my very wet top and put Louis's top on which was very warm.

"Thanks" I say walking over to Louis.

"It's ok" he said turning around.

I gave him a smile and reached up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He looked at me then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips, it was soft.Before I knew it I was kissing him back but was I enjoying it? I then felt a presence nearby and pulled away.

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