Chapter 17

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Oliver's Pov

When the bright light started to fade I noticed I was in the doctor's room. It took my eyes a little while to adjust but when they did I saw Mimi sat next to my bed. I closed my eyes again so she didn't know I was awake yet.

"I'm getting all these feelings for you Oliver but I don't know why and I don't know what to do about it. It's wrong seeing as you're going to soon be my brother and that Tom doesn't agree with it" she said sounding sad. I just wanted to pick her up and hug her telling her it will all work out... But I couldn't be sure about it. She had her head laid on her arms now.

"I just don't know what to do anymore" she said quietly.

I was about to say something because it was quiet but before I did someone else came into the room. I had a quick peek to see it was Tom. I noticed Mimi's heart was beating a little faster now, but I didn't know why. I heard someone move and then the door locked. What was happening? I heard Tom walk closer to Mimi.

"Don't you remember what I told you, or do I need to teach you another lesson?" Tom said to Mimi.

What on earth is going on, I wanted to scream out but I felt frozen now either by anger at Tom or it was because I wondered if Mimi was enjoying this or not. I heard Tom moving and then I felt Mimi's presence being lifted away. I opened my eyes slightly to see what was going on. I saw that Tom's back was to me, so he doesn't know I'm awake yet. I then noticed he was walking towards the window and he was holding Mimi. Does this mean that there sneaking behind Hayley's back? Are they seeing each other?!

When I saw Mimi's face, she looked so scared and then I realised she wasn't enjoying this. I wanted to jump up and rip Tom's head off, but before I did I worked it out in my head. If I did jump up and try attacking Tom he will either hurt Mimi more and I've not got my full strength back just yet so I don't know if I would be able to fight him. Also if I did fight then no-one would be able to tell the others what happened and that it was Tom. I so badly wanted to save my mate but it was better if I was patient. I then watched as Tom jumped out the window with Mimi in his arms and he started running off into the woods... All I was able to do at that point was growl out of anger and pain.

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