Chapter 24

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~Back home~

I stood outside the house panting from all the running. It took me a minute to get my breath back but I stood up straight and walked to the front door. I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later I heard running to the door. The door opened revealing my dad with a relieved face.

"Sasha your home, where have you been?!" he asked concerned.

"Oh just stayed at a mates" I said, it was the truth I just didn't say the whole truth.

"Okay, well get in here everyone's been worried sick" he says pulling me in and closing the door behind us. He lead me into the living room where my mum sat crying silently.

"Mum?" I say quietly. She looks up tears falling down her face but when she saw me she had a massive smile on her face.

"Sasha!" she screamed as she tried getting up. I helped her up and hugged her as she hugged me.

"Where on earth have you been missy?!" she questions.

"At a friend's, but that doesn't matter now cause I'm back home" I say.

"I missed you so much! Don't ever run away again!" she says with a little bit of a stern voice.

"I promise" I say.

"Oliver go tell the kids Sasha's back" she says happily.

Dad walks off and gets everyone and soon enough everyone rushed in and hugs me. I then see Ebony walk in with Freddie. Freddie comes over and hugs me like everyone else and I walk over to Ebony.

"I'm sorry for thinking you said that stuff" I say to her.

"It's fine" she says with a sort of smile.

"Well I need a drink, you want one?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" Ebony replies.

"I'll have one too sis" Isaac said.

"Me too" Jay said.

"Tough you can get you own" I say sticking my tongue out at Isaac and Jay.

"Hey! That's not fair you get her one and not us" they both say.

"Well she's a guest" I say.

"Actually she lives here, she's my girlfriend " Freddie says giving me that look, telling me he means mate.

"Oh awesome" I say and hug him.

I then go to the kitchen and grab mine and Ebony's drink. I then got the potion out of my pocket and poured it into Ebony's drink, I know she's Freddie's mate but I'm not letting her into my family! I walk back into the living room and pass Ebony her drink and then drank mine.

"So Ebony...why are you here?" I asked, I got funny looks off people but I knew she would be telling the truth if the witch didn't lie.

"To kill you and your family" she said with a gasp and covered her mouth. Everyone looked at her wide-eyed.

"Are you mates with Freddie?" I asked.

"No, he just thinks we are, I'm just playing along so you guys would let me into the house" she says again with a gasp not quite believing she's telling us the truth.

"Mimi why don't you go take Jay, Isaac, Asher and Casey upstairs whilst I talk to these guys?" dads says. Mum nods and takes them upstairs. When they was gone dad turned to me,

"What have you done Sasha" he asks.

"Put a truth potion in her drink" I tell him.

"You shouldn't of done that but I guess it's one way to get us to believe you" he says with a small smile.

"Who sent you to kill us Ebony?" dad asks Ebony.

"My mum" she says.

"What's your mums name?" dad asks again.

"Rachel" she replies.

"The Moonlit Pack" dad says more to himself than anyone.

"Yeah, me and mum" Ebony says with a smile.

"Wait who's your dad?" dad asks curiously.

"Yeah well he happens to be part of this family, uncle Oliver" she says with a smirk.

"Wait Louis is your dad?" I ask.

"Yepp" she says.

Wow I feel bad for uncle Louis having her as a child.

"I'm going to sort something out, look after her" dad says walking out the room.

"So we're not mates?" Freddie asks quietly.

"No! We're cousins!" Ebony says rolling her eyes. Freddie runs out the room obviously hurt with that.

"I'm going after him, don't let her out of your site guys!" I warned the others.

I ran off after Freddie and caught him in his room.

"I'm really sorry Freddie, I just needed to prove to you guys that I wasn't lying I didn't mean to hurt you" I say whilst sitting next to him on his bed.

"I know Sash, I honestly thought she was my mate, how can I be so stupid?" he questions.

"I think you just didn't want to be left out cause Cole and Logan have found there's. But that shouldn't matter, you just got to wait for her Freddie, the boys would of maybe had to wait for years till they found theirs if we never went to Los Angeles" I told him.

"Yeah I guess I just have to wait.." he says sadly.

"Don't worry, I haven't found mine either" I said.

I give Freddie a hug and leave him be and got to my room and just fall asleep from exhaustion.

~The next day~

Dad found out as much information from Ebony about Rachel's whereabouts and then he called the rest of the pack and explained the new knowledge that we have found out about the Moonlit Pack. We are all meeting at the pack house, we kept Ebony in custody by keeping her tied up in dads office whilst dad, Cole and Logan took it in turns keeping an eye on her last night.

We drove over to the pack house and had to come up with a plan. Dad explained who the moonlit pack was to me, Cole, Logan and Freddie. Apparently the alpha wanted revenge on our pack from past events. They kidnapped mum and Auntie Ann, hurting them badly and killing Uncle Diego. Our pack was stronger though and killed most of the pack, however Rachel escaped and was never heard of since, until now.

We all got prepared to find Rachel and finally end this fight finally. We left Ebony in the hands of Tia, Maisy, Natasha and Megan. She wouldn't be putting up much of a fight as she'll be unconscious for a while but it's just to keep an eye on her. The rest of us set off to a small bungalow that was about an hour away from our town. We surrounded the bungalow, ready to fight. A few minutes later we see Rachel walking out with her hands raised up.

"Don't worry I'm alone" she shouts.

"Why are still after us Rachel?" Dad asks.

"You killed my pack, my brother and my father. I was all alone with a baby on the way! Your niece in fact!" She says with a tear in her eyes.

"Why did you never tell me?" Uncle Louis asks.

"Because you chose them over us, just make sure you look after her" She says then pulls out a gun.

"What..." Uncle Louis says, Dad stands in front of me and the boys trying to protect us.

She then put's the gun to her head and shoots. I stare in dismay, I was so shocked. Then it hit me, she just shot herself. I felt sick, I looked away and had Cole hug me trying to comfort me.

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