Chapter 25

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~2 months later~

Things we're finally back to normal, the pack had sorted out Rachel and Ebony. Ebony was taken to a witch nearby who made her forget all the bad things and was just a normal werewolf like us, she forgot all about her mum and the moonlit pack. I know it's harsh but it was the only way she could be kept alive and be trusted to live with our pack. Ebony is now living with uncle Louis and they're getting to know each other. Cole and Logan have bitten their mates and officially made them their mates. Mum was now 7 months pregnant. Freddie has also found his mate, Yasmin last month whilst at the cinema, she was pretty with light brown curly hair and brown eyes. Also we both get on really well so we became good friends.

Today was Freddie's, Cole's and Logan's graduation so me and the pack was all sat in the uncomfortable seats waiting for the guys to walk up on stage to collect there scrolls. Freddie was first to walk up and we all cheered, later it was Cole's turn and we all cheered, finally it was Logan's turn and we all cheered again. Afterwards we had a little graduation party congratulating the guys. Cole stood up and tapped his glass catching all of the packs attention.

"I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone for this but there's just one last surprise" he says turning to Vanessa.

"We've only been together for about three months but I can't imagine my life with anyone else" he said getting onto one knee "Vanessa will you do the honour of becoming my wife?" he asks opening a box with a ring inside. She gasped as did everyone else in the room.

"Yes!" she screamed happily hugging him as he placed the ring on her finger.

Logan stood up now "Wow congrats guys and thanks everyone for this as well but seeing as my twin beat me to this I guess it's not as shocking, but Natasha will you do the honour of becoming my wife?" he asked getting on one knee in front of her and showing her a ring.

"Wow I guess it's a twin thing?" she said laughing "But yes I will Logan" she says kissing him.

He places the ring on her finger and twirls her around. This time it was dad standing up "Anyone else want to say anything?" he questioned jokingly.

There was silence, everyone was looking round at each other, waiting for someone to stand up.

"Okay enough of the lovey dovey stuff now, you're making me feel old" he joked, "But congratulations guys" he raises up his glass "Too happiness and love" he says and takes a sip as does everyone else.

The party continues as we all chat and drink. Celebrating the boys finally finishing school and getting there scrolls. I look over at Cole, Logan and Freddie with their mates, I can't wait for the day I find my mate. I then think of Frazer, I can't keeping dragging him along, it'll be harder the longer we're together. I'll speak to him later when we're alone.


"Hey, me and Frazer are off home, it was good to see you guys" I say and quickly hug them all.

Me and Frazer go back to my house, having it to ourselves. We go up to my room and sit on my bed. He starts kissing me, probably trying to take advantage of a free house.

"Frazer we need to talk" I say sadly.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks concerned.

"This is so hard... I-I think we're better off as friends, you mean the world to me but I'm not in love with you. I'm so sorry Frazer, please don't hate me" I say starting to cry.

"I-I'm shocked, but I could never hate you and I can't force you to be with me if you don't love me but is there any way I could change your mind?" He asks sadly.

"No I'm sorry" I say looking down.

"Okay, I think it's best I go home" He says standing up and leaving the room.

I burst out crying, I know this was my choice but he was my first serious boyfriend and he did mean something to me. That night I cried myself to sleep.

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