Chapter 14

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It's been two days since I've seen the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't stop thinking about her, the way she walks. Her gorgeous hair, her memorising eyes. I've told dad about her, and he's glad I've found my mate. I've also told Freddie and Logan, they're both jealous that I have found my mate first but they keep bragging that they have other girls to pleasure them whilst they're waiting for their mates. I still haven't seen or talked to Cassie, I'm hoping she doesn't bother us or comes back. Oh! I still need to dump her! I quickly pulled out my phone and text her.

'I'm really sorry but I think we need to split'

I know it's harsh to do it over a text but I can't do this face to face. We were all now staying at the house where mum, dad, Jay, Isaac, Alex, Casey and Asher have been staying this past week. I headed downstairs and saw the family in the kitchen having breakfast. I grabbed some toast and sat on a chair next to Logan.

"Hey what are we doing today?" I questioned.

"Well dads taking you, Freddie, Logan and Sasha somewhere whilst me and the others are staying here" mum answers.

I nodded, I knew where me and the others were going. We are heading to the nearest forest so we can have a run in our wolf forms.

After breakfast me, Logan, Sasha, Freddie and Dad got in the truck and drove off to the nearest forest. When we finally got there we hid our car quickly then we headed off into the forest. I made sure the coast was clear then changed into my wolf. I sighed a relief, it's always nice to be in my wolf form. I ran quickly not wanting to waste time being my wolf. The others were nearby, not running as fast as me. I slid to a halt realising there was a cliff nearby. I looked round and saw below was the beach. I quickly sneaked back into the forest hiding myself because I heard footsteps.

I looked over to where the footsteps were coming from and saw...the girl of my dreams! She was my mate, the angel sent from heaven. I watched as she settled herself down on the grass and started to write in a book, I'm guessing it was her diary? Or maybe she was drawing? I wasn't sure but she still looked cute. Should I go towards her and see if she accepts me? Or should I go over there in human form? Or should I just leave her be? I really didn't know what to do. I decided on going over in my wolf form because if she doesn't accept me she won't know it's me. I slowly creep over towards her trying not to scare her. She looks up and stares at me with her gorgeous blue eyes.

"W-what?" she questioned.

I tried walking towards her but she jumped up and moved backwards, oh no she's scared of me! I bowed my head and she slowly rested her hand on my forehead.

"Y-your amazing" she whispered.

I would of replied 'no you are' but I can't in my wolf form. I laid down beside her and she went back to her book. I found out she's been drawing the forest but now she's drawing me well the wolf of me. She's an amazing artist, very detailed. I could easily watch her draw for hours, it's so relaxing.

"Cole where are you?" my fathers worried voice entered my head.

"J-just taking a break" I lied.

"I know you lying to me, where are you?!" he nearly shouted.

"W-with my m-mate" I replied unsure.

"Does she know?" he asked.

"No, I'm in wolf form" I say back.

"You're going to have to show her your human form and ask her to come back so we can explain" he replied then left my head.

I nudged the girl with my head and stood up. She watched me wearily as I stood in front of her. I started changing back to my human form and she watched me wide-eyed. I quickly pulled on my shorts, what were wrapped around my leg. I walked slowly towards the girl.

"Y-Your a-a w-werewolf?" she questioned.

"Yeah, how do you know about them?" I asked confused.

"I've read about them" she replies.

"Oh, how much do you know about them?" I asked.

"Not much just that their humans that can shift into a wolf" she answered.

"Oh, do you want me to explain more if you promise not to tell anyone" I questioned.

"I promise, what's your name anyways?" she asks.

"My names Cole what's yours beautiful?" I ask her.

"Mines, Vanessa" she blushes.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady" I say what makes her blush more. I then explained about werewolves and about mates, but I didn't tell her about her being my mate, I didn't want to scare her away.

"Wow werewolves are...awesome" she giggles.

"Thanks, I was wondering if we could meet again Vanessa?" I ask her.

"Sure, here's my number but I'm only in LA for a few more days then I'm moving to my new house" she replies sadly.

"Where you moving to?" I ask her.

"A town in California called Maple Falls" she answers.

"Crazy coincident but I live there" I answer laughing.

"Wow least I'll know someone" she answers smiling. "Well I've got to go, text me if you want".

She walks off and I shift and run back to the others, thinking of the angel Vanessa.

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