Chapter 2

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Me and Ann were sat in the food court drinking milkshakes whilst waiting for the girls to get here.

"Hey guys" Megan shouted from across the room. Me and Ann looked up and saw Megan and Tia walking over and sat round the table with us.

"Hey, me and Mimi just found out if it was a girl or a boy" Ann says to the others.

"And?" Tia asks.

"It's a boy" Ann says happily.

"Aww" the girls say in union.

"Let's go baby shopping" Megan screamed excited.

"Also I need something to wear tonight" I say shyly.

"Why?" Ann asks me.

"Because I'm going out somewhere with Oliver" I say smiling slightly.

"Finally!" Ann shouts at me.

"Wow calm down it's not a date" I say.

"Yeah sure" The girls say smirking.

"Whatever let's go shopping" I say and we start walking out the food court and towards the shops.

We've been shopping for around three hours now and that was just for baby clothes. But we also went to the food court for lunch and we went to the toilet a lot because Ann has a small bladder because of the whole pregnancy thing. Me and the girls kept finding really cute baby boy clothes like little football boots and a top saying 'I love my auntie' and I had to get that obviously. Me and the girls except Ann were holding loads of shopping bags now and were ready to drop.

"Only got one last thing to get and that's my outfit then we can head home" I say happily.

We walked along the shops trying to find a shop which sold cute dresses. We soon found one and walked in, it has rails full of clothes. Ann sat down on a chair whilst the girls rushed round picking clothes for me to try on. It didn't take that long for us to find the 'perfect' outfit, well that's what the girls called it. It was a gorgeous pink dress that was knee length and had thin straps.

When we got home we all took the bags upstairs into Ann's room. Ann wanted the baby to share her room so she decorated half the room for the baby. Ann also has a walk in closet like most of the rooms have in the pack house. We unpacked all the baby clothes and put it into the walk in closet. I then took my dress into my room and went back downstairs to join the girls in the tv room. It was only around four in the afternoon so we decided to watch a film. We decided to watch finding nemo, I know were eighteen/nineteen years old but this film is awesome.

When the film finished it was around six. Me and the girls all went upstairs to get me ready for my 'date', they kept calling it that even though it wasn't.

"Okay you get in the shower whilst me and the girls decide make up and stuff" Ann tells me.

I followed her orders and went to the bathroom and had a quick shower. I walked back out with my towel wrapped around me. Tia was looking through my makeup, I'm guessing she's in charge of doing my makeup. I then saw Megan with my straighteners and curlers in her hands, I'm guessing she's in charge of doing my hair. I then noticed Ann in my walk in closet, I'm guessing she's in charge of jewellery and shoes.

"You guys do realise I can dress myself and this isn't a real date so I don't need to look perfect" I say looking at everyone.

"Mimi he's your mate! I know you say you're not ready but I know you love him, don't push him away" Ann says coming out the walk in closet and hugging me.

"I know but it's...just hard" I whisper.

"Why is it hard sweet pea?" Ann asks me.

"He might leave me" I say sadly. Ann kept quiet, I think she's thinking of Diego.

"Look Mimi, you know how powerful love is between mates he won't leave you" Tia says coming over as well and hugging me and Ann, Megan soon join's in.

"Come on we don't have much time" Tia says breaking the hug apart.

I get taken over to Megan first. I sat down on the chair and was blindfolded, it alarmed me for a second because it reminded me of when I was kidnapped but they soon calmed me by talking about the usual rubbish about cute popstars and new programmes. I stayed quiet the whole time she did my hair and when Tia did my makeup. I wasn't wearing a blindfold when she did my makeup but I had to keep my eyes closed. Luckily I could open my eyes when I got changed but all the mirrors were covered so I still couldn't see myself.

When it finally turned eight the mirrors were all uncovered and I saw what the girls had done to me. They actually turned me into a princess I thought to myself, I was just speechless. My hair was straight but had a slight curl to it at the ends. I had silver eye shadow on and pale lipstick. I then looked down at my shoes, they were black stilettos with a little bow on top of them.

"Thanks guys" I say smiling and hugging all of them.

"It's fine Mimi now go downstairs, your prince charming is waiting" Megan says jokingly.

I walk out my room and down the stairs where I see Oliver, and boy was he looking hot! He was wearing dark jeans and a black shirt with the top button undone. I carried on walking down the stairs still thinking about how hot he looked and the very first time I saw him. When Oliver looked up at me he had his award winning smile on his face which made him look even hotter.

"You look beautiful" Oliver says when I get to the bottom step.

"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself" I say smiling. We walk over to his car and towards

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