Chapter 4

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Oliver isn't at the pack house today so today we decided to start organising Cole and Logan's birthday party together. We drop Asher and Casey off at school then head back home. We sit in the living room and talk about what we should do for their birthday. We decided to have it at the new ball room that we built near the pack house, yes we have a ball room! Oliver organised to have it built, so we can use it for different events like birthday and weddings. We also decided to have the party after our holiday to Los Angeles.

"Babe I went to the doctors yesterday" I say.

"Wow you finally listened to me! What did they say?" he asks.

"Well I haven't got the flu" I started getting nervous, what if he doesn't want me anymore will he run away and leave me?

"What is it then, I can feel your anxious you can tell me anything babe" he says.

"Well I'm....pregnant" I say nervously. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Again?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah, do you not want any more kids? Are you going to run away and leave us?" I started getting really nervous.

"Babe calm down I won't leave you, I love you and I love our children, and more children means more miniature versions of us" he says and kisses me.

"So you don't mind?" I ask.

"No of course I don't silly" he says smiling. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to know more?" I ask shyly.

"Yeah..." he says.

"Were having...triplets" I say.

"What?" he says shocked.

"Yeah, three more babies" I said chuckling.

"That's amazing babe" he says and picks me up and whirls me round.

"Be careful" I say giggling. He sets me back down and hugs me.

"Were going to have eleven children Mimi" he said happily.

"Yeah, eleven" I say smiling.

He kisses me and we talk about the babies for a while. Oliver thinks we will have three boys and I think we will have all girls, seeing as we've only had one daughter so far.

We rang up the pack and organised everything for Cole and Logan's party, we're letting them have two parties in one day. We're having a family party then they can have their friends round after. Me and Oliver went and picked up the twins and brought them back home. Oliver went and helped them with homework whilst I rang Megan.

"Hey Mimi, are you still okay with us coming round?" Megan asked.

"Yeah it's still okay" I say happily.

"Do you mind if Ella come's as well, she really wants to come see Sasha" Megan said.

"The more the merrier" I say laughing.

"Okay, we will be round in about an hour, bye" she says.

"Okay bye" I say and end the call. I go to Asher and Casey's room where Oliver was helping them do homework.

"Hey Ella is coming as well later" I tell Oliver.

"Okay babe" he says then goes back to helping the boys.

Whilst he did that I sorted out the boys clothes out. I got out jeans and a light blue shirt for each of them.

"When you're finished could you help the boys get dressed babe?" I asked Oliver.

"Yeah" he mumbled. I walked downstairs and not long after the others walked in.

"Go get ready, we're going out for a meal with Auntie Megan and Uncle Rory" I tell them and they all walk upstairs.

I walk up as well and get changed into a black dress what went to just below my knees. Luckily I still had my slim figure even after having seven children. I put on some make up and straightened my hair. I walked to Asher and Casey's room and saw that Oliver was still dressing them.

"I'll get them dressed and you can go get dressed yourself" I tell him. The boys already had their jeans on so I put their shirts on buttoned them up.

"Don't mess these up or no pudding" I warned them. The boys nodded and ran off downstairs. I heard a car pull up outside, so I quickly shouted at the others,

"Hurry up everyone" I shout. I walked quickly down the stairs and opened the door just as Ella was about to knock.

"Hey Auntie Mimi" they both say, I'm not really her auntie but most of the younger generation call me that instead of alpha, so it doesn't confuse the young ones.

"Hey" I say and hug her.

"The others should be down soon" I say. Ella walks past me and I see Alex walking towards me with Rory helping a very pregnant Megan.

"Hey Auntie Mimi" Alex says and gives me a quick hug.

"Wow you've grown so much Alex" I say.

"Thanks" he says awkwardly.

"Isaac should be down soon" I tell him and he walks into the house.

"Mimi" I hear Megan say.

"Megan" I say happily. We hug each other, well try too.

"Wow, how far along are you?" I ask.

"Eight months" she says smiling.

"Wow so not long then" I say "Come in" I quickly say and move out the way.

They walk in and into the living room. The kids were in the den so it was just me, Oliver, Megan and Rory in the living room.

"We thought we could go to the Italian in town, but if you want to go somewhere else just say" I say.

"Italian is fine with us" Megan says smiling. The boys start talking about pack stuff so me and Megan start talking about baby stuff.

"So popping out anymore?" Megan asks chuckling.

"Well actually... I am" I say shyly.

"Oh" she says and stops laughing.

"I'm having triplets" I say.

"Wow, I was joking but wow" she says.

"I didn't believe it either" I say.

"Anyways, are you having boy or girl and how many?" I ask.

"Having one and a little girl" she says happily.

"One of each then" I say and she nods.

"Okay let's get the children ready to go" I say and she nods again. We both get up and so does Oliver and Rory. We walk to the den and she them playing on games or chatting.

"Time to go guys" I say.

They get up and we head to the cars. I just hope this meal goes well.

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