Chapter 15

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In front of me was the whole pack and I couldn't help smiling more at the person in front of them all...Oliver and he was on one knee. I gasped at him, he's back!! I ran over to him and got on my knees and hugged him. I know I should be angry at him for leaving me but no matter what I could never be angry at him.

"Babe I know I've been gone but since then I could never get you off my mind. I'm barking mad about you and I can never be away from you again. I want to be with you every way possible, I love you Mimi Howards, so will you marry me?" he asks adoringly. He's proposing, aww! I then punched him on the shoulder,

"Why did it take you this long to realise! But yes Oliver Wilson, of course I will marry you" I say with a wide grin and kiss him full blown on his lips, oh I miss these lips so much.

We pulled apart and he put the ring on my wedding finger. I looked at the ring and smiled even more it was beautiful. It was a silver band with three diamonds. I looked up at everyone and they were smiling at us I got to my feet and so did Oliver. I then looked around and saw it was a birthday party for me, and I guess also an engagement party.

"Thanks everyone" I say still smiling. Everyone went back to dancing, talking, eating, drinking or anything else. Me and Oliver were on our own now.

"Does this mean we just leave everything in the past, yeah?" I asked him.

"Yeah babe" he agreed.

"Before we do, I just want to apologise and promise it'll never happen again" I say guilty.

"I believe you" Oliver says hugging me.

I smiled happily knowing I don't have to go through any more pain or arguing about something that's already happened. I smiled and gave him a massive kiss on the lips, we would of continued but we heard a loud scream from across the room. We pulled away and looks at where the scream came from, it was Ann. I then saw water come from beneath her, OMG her waters broke! I rushed over to her, I ordered Oliver to ring the ambulance and got mum to end the party. I helped Ann to the living room and settled her down. It wasn't long till the ambulance got here, me and Oliver went with Ann whilst some of the pack went in cars. We got to the hospital and Ann was put in a room. She wasn't far along enough yet, I sat with her and held her hand, trying to help her breath through the pain.

Not long after she was ready to have the baby she was moved into the delivering room. The doctor walked in and got her to start pushing, I stood beside her and held her hand whilst Oliver stayed outside with the others.

Ten minutes later Ann gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I watched as she held her son and saw how much love was in her eyes, aww. Ann was wheeled back into the room where she was in before.

"So what you naming him?" I asked quietly.

"I love the name Fred and Paul but I also want to name him after Diego and your dad" she says.

"Why don't you call him Freddie Christian Diego Howards maybe?" I ask.

"That's perfect" she smiled.

"It's a beautiful name" I smiled.

There was a soft knock on the door and the pack walked in and met the new member. Oliver walked over to me and hugged me from behind.

"Hey" he said softly.

"Hi" I say smiling.

"He's so cute" he said adoringly.

"I know, so would you ever want kids?" I asked worriedly.

"I would love some but do you?" he asks.

"Maybe you might become a father sooner than you think" I whisper in his ear.

"What you mean?" he whispered back.

"I'm eight weeks pregnant" I whisper again.

"Wow" he says shocked.

"Want to know more?" I ask teasingly.

"More?" he nearly shouted.

"We're having twins" I whisper smiling.

"That's a-amazing" he whispered smiling. We kissed and watched everyone fuss over little Freddie.

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