Chapter 10

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Ann's Pov

Poor Oliver he cares for Mimi but it's not easy for them to be together seeing as her mum is marrying his foster dad. I walked upstairs to Diego's room and saw him laid on his bed watching football. I went and sat next to him.

"Hey babe, you okay?" he asked looking at me.

"Yeah fine just thinking about Mimi and Oliver" I say.

He picked me up and put me on his lap. I snuggled into his chest and let out a sigh. 

"You worry too much babe" he said then kissed me on the lips, every time he does that I get sparks all over my body. We started kissing some more then snuggled in bed together, drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

I slowly sat up from my sleeping position and checked that Diego was still asleep, he was luckily. I quietly got off the bed and walked out of his room. I just started crying because I was scared, if what I'm thinking is true then I don't know what will happen... I was heading back to my room when I saw Oliver tip toeing around the corner; I quickly looked down making sure he couldn't see that I was crying.

"Hey what's wrong?" he whispered.

"N-nothing j-just getting a drink" I tried whispering over the tears.

"Come on I know your upset, you can tell me" he whispered again.

He was the first to see me cry over this problem and I knew I could trust him already. I nodded and wiped away the tears.

"Let's go into your room" I said heading to his room.

It was best to go there because every room is soundproof for privacy reasons. Also we can't go to my room because if Diego notices I'm gone that'll be the first place he'd check.

I got into the room first and the feelings came again and I ran into Oliver's bathroom and started throwing up. I've been throwing up for about a month now and no-one has noticed, well Oliver has now. When Oliver came in he closed the door, and then gasped when he saw me throwing up. It took him a minute to realise, and then he ran over and pulled my hair out of the way and tried soothing me by rubbing my back. When I was finished I stood up and flushed the loo. I walked over to the sink and washed my mouth and face.

"Hey do you mind if I use your shower and do you have a spare toothbrush?" I asked still a bit shaky after throwing up.

"Yeah sure and there's one in the cabinet, I'll go sit in my room just shout if you need help" he started walking back outside into his room.

I quickly used the spare toothbrush and used a bit of mouthwash. When I was finished I stripped off and got into the shower. It was lush; every time I throw up I always have a warm shower after. Luckily as a werewolf we heal quicker so I don't feel ill for long. When I was finished I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I walked out into his room and saw him go wide-eyed, luckily living in the pack house you don't get self-conscious that easily.

"Could I borrow a shirt, I kind of got my top messy" I asked standing against the door frame.

"Y-yeah s-sure I-in the t-the w-wardrobe" he said wide-eyed.

I laughed and walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a shirt then walked back into the bathroom. I put my joggers back on and then pulled Oliver's top on. I walked back out and sat on the bed.

"So why was you crying earlier?" Oliver asked me.

"I think I'm pregnant" I said then looked down at the floor embarrassed.

"Ermmm does Diego know?" he asked, I don't think he knows what to say.

"No one knows" I answered.

"Oh, I'm guessing you don't want me to tell anyone" he said.

"Yeah I just want to think over it before anyone else knows" I said quietly.

"I don't know what to say really but shouldn't you go to the doctors?"  he asked.

I looked at him, I wanted to go doctors weeks ago but I was scared to go on my own and if I went with Diego and found out I was pregnant I don't know how he would react.

"I didn't want to go alone" I said in a quiet voice.

"If you want I can come with you?" Oliver asked shyly.

"Yeah, if you don't mind" I said smiling slightly now.

"Sure, when?" He asked smiling back.

"I'll ring up tomorrow then I'll tell you when I can privately, I'm going to go bed now though, see you tomorrow" I said, then grabbed my top from the bathroom and headed towards the door.

"Thanks" I said then closed the door behind me.

I walked to my room to get one of my tops. I changed and took the shirts to the laundry room. When I was finished I went back to Diego's room and snuggled into him and soon fell asleep, thinking if I was pregnant would it be a good or bad thing...

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