Chapter 22

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Ralph's Pov

She is so feisty she will make a good wife to my son. She will soon learn that she can't escape me or my pack. When I walked out of the cell I saw my beta Tom stood there.

"Take her to my room and handcuff or chain her to my bed, either way I don't really care" I say smirking then walked off to my office to go talk to my son and daughter.

When I opened the door to my office I saw my son, Tony and my daughter, Rachel sat on the sofa near my desk, on the phones not paying any attention. When I sat down in my chair I looked over at them. They reminded me so much of their mother, they both have her amazing jade green eyes and blonde hair. I smiled over at them when they looked up and pointed to the seats in front of my desk. They quickly sit down on the seats and waited for me to talk.

"We have kidnapped the mate of a royal alpha" I say proudly.

"But dad you said you wouldn't" Rachel whined sarcastically.

"Time we had some fun" I say smirking at my children.

They both smirked and walked out the room with me following. Rachel walked over to some of the members of the pack that were sat on the sofa and started talking with them. Tony walked to the cells where Ana- whatever her name was.

I looked back at the main room where I saw Rachel with our newest member, Louis, fooling around on the sofa.

"Please could you at least go to a room" I said annoyed.

They quickly adjusted their clothes and headed upstairs whilst I went back to my office. I locked the door behind me when I got inside my office and I laid down on the sofa. I started to drink whilst the memories of Caroline my ex-wife flooded my mind again. I tried to drink away the pain and must of passed out.

Diego's Pov

"Hey what's up?" I heard Rory ask me.

"Shh, look" I said nodding towards the space in front of us.

There were two men with one of them holding an unconscious body, but when I looked more closely it was...Anastasia, my mate. I was shocked then furious, I could feeI myself boiling up ready to attack. How did they get her? It must mean they must of got in the house, they went onto our territory!! I looked over to Rory and he must be thinking the same as me. I started to get up to get my mate back but Rory stopped me before I could. I snapped at him.

"Don't! We need to keep quiet and follow them, they might have Mimi as well" He told me trying to calm me.

"Fine" I say still angry.

We stayed low and followed the two men quietly. We followed them till we came upon a wooden cabin house. We watched them walk inside, it was a struggle not to go after them but I knew it wasn't a good idea. I nodded to Rory and we ran back to the pack house to the others. I hope they don't hurt her or Mimi, that's if they have her as well and where on earth is mum?

?? Pov

I stayed low, watching from a distance. I knew they were going to do something like this but not to my mate! I was furious with them, I don't care that they brought me up, they took away my mate. This place wasn't part of their plan but I still knew the ins and outs of this place, I knew the best way to attack. The others wouldn't listen, but I don't care I can do this by myself. I spotted other wolves in the distance so I stayed low. I could tell they wasn't part of this pack. I just never expected to find my mate and then have her taken away from me...

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