Chapter 14

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Oliver's Pov

Me and Mimi headed upstairs to the Attic, when I got inside it was very peaceful, I might have to use this as a place to go if I need some time on my own.

When we walked further into the room Mimi said "This is the attic if you couldn't tell".

I looked around smiling because I could smell Mimi's scent all over. I then noticed that the room was getting brighter and brighter till it was white all over. I looked around and saw no-one; I was on my own in a White room with no doors or windows.

Suddenly I heard a voice "Oliver can we talk?"  it was Mimi's amazing voice.

I tried shouting "Where are you" and "Where am I?" but she never replied.

Looking around, I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked around again but there was still no-one there. Then everything went quiet and I couldn't hear Mimi's voice anymore. I started walking around but nothing changed it was still white all over. I then noticed something far away. I ran towards it hoping it would get me out of this place, when I got closer I noticed it was three people.

I then noticed that it was my mum, dad and.....Christian, Mimi and Diego's dad. I ran over to them and started hugging my mum and then my dad. I was in shock, I haven't them since I was 5, I even saw there death...


Me, mum, dad, Louis and Jack were at the park having a picnic like we normally did every other weekend. Mum and Dad were sat on the blanket talking and kissing occasionally whilst me and Louis ran around with our dog Jack. We looked like a picture perfect family but it all soon went downhill.

Messing about throwing a stick for Jack, I noticed something in the woods nearby; it was hard to work out what it was though. Jack started running into the woods towards the thing I saw, I heard a howl and started running after Jack. 

"Oliver come back" I heard my mum shouting after me, but I carried on running.

I looked behind me and saw Louis, mum and dad running after me then I looked in front of me, I saw Jack chasing after a.... Wolf. I carried on running not wanting to lose my beloved dog but then I lost sight of where Jack went. I thought I saw him go right, so I quickly turned right but tripped on a log. I whimpered a bit but not too loud for anyone to hear because mum and dad ran past me, Louis was behind them but he stopped, noticing me. He helped me up, luckily I only had a little cut on my leg. We were heading towards where mum, dad and Jack headed to. But something felt wrong, very wrong, I didn't know what though but my life turned upside down when I heard a scream, my mum's scream.

Louis and I ran towards where my mum's scream came from but we both stood still when we saw the scene in front of us. The wolf I saw Jack was chasing was stood in a puddle of blood, mum's blood. It looked like the wolf had a smirk on his face but I must of imagined it. The wolf was stood near my mum's dead body, I then saw my dad's scratched, broken and dead body. I looked over to my brother Louis and his eyes were wide like mine. I started crying because I wanted my mum and dad but then the wolf started howling and walking towards us so me and Louis started running for our lives, literally. Louis was faster than me and got out the woods before me, but I was slower and the wolf got me. It got hold of my leg and dragged me back, I was screaming and shouting trying to get away. I tried to get away but it just made the wolf scratch me more. I then tried kicking it but I couldn't move my legs. I started to cry because I was scared, I wanted my mum and dad, I wanted to go home. The wolf howled again then bit my leg, I screamed in pain. Another wolf came and they both started running away into the woods. I just laid there crying, wishing this was all just a nightmare but it wasn't....

(End of flashback)

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