Chapter 11

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Oliver's Pov

I didn't know what to do after Anastasia was gone. I was still kind of shocked, she might be pregnant! I feel touched that I'm the only who knows but is that a good thing? Why hasn't she told anyone else? Why is she scared? These unanswered questions were on my mind whilst I drifted off to sleep.

-{ next day }-

I woke up with a smile on my face. My wolf was really excited because my mate is showing me around today. I went into the bathroom and got in the shower. The hot water calmed me slightly. When I was finished I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into my room. I heard a gasp and looked up into two gorgeous brown eyes. I watched as she stared at my abs, I smirked at her drooling over me. I'm glad she likes it, might help me with getting with her. 

"Like what you see?" I asked smirking even more. She blinked a few times then rolled her eyes.

"Typical boys" she said under her breathe but I heard her.

"Sorry what? Didn't quite hear you" I said pretending that I didn't hear.

"I said I'll meet you downstairs" she quickly lied.

I watched as she walked out of my room, and watching her butt all the way. I finished getting ready making sure I looked my best for her then went downstairs. I saw Tia and Jamie snuggled on the two seater, Diego and Anastasia was kissing and snuggling on another two seater in the living room. I walked into the kitchen and saw Hayley and Tom they were kissing as well so I moved to the next room, the dining room. No one was in there, where is she then? She told me to meet her downstairs. I went back to the living room to ask Anastasia or someone. 

"Hey do you know where Mimi is?" I said looking around waiting for anyone to answer.

"I think she's in her room" Tia answered.

"Ok thanks" I said and quickly walked to Mimi's room.

I knocked on Mimi's door and waited for her to answer. It took a while but Mimi answered with her mascara smudged and dried tears on her cheeks. I was holding back a growl from my wolf I hate to see my mate upset, whoever made her upset I will rip their head off. 

"What's wrong?" I asked whilst walking towards her.

She took a step back away which hurt me "N-Nothing's W-Wrong" she said shakily. 

"Come on I can see you're not okay" I said looking at her angel like face.

"I-I don't want to talk about it" she said quietly.

"Ok, well I'm here for you" I said truthfully, I wish she would tell me but I can't force her.

We were both quiet for a little while but then she spoke up "So am I showing you around or not?" She said going back to her normal self, but I could tell it was fake.

"Yeah sure" I quickly said.

"Ok just give me a sec" she said then quickly went into the bathroom.

I looked round her room, it was nice, a little bigger than mine but I didn't mind. She had her walls painted a light grey with one of the walls black with neon paint splattered all over it. She then had a queen sized bed with a light blue bed cover. I looked around and noticed that she has a window with a seat ledge and a bookcase next to it. I walked over and sat on the ledge. I looked out and saw she had an amazing view of the forest at the end of the backyard.

"So you ready?" Mimi said looking at me.

"Yeah" I got up quickly and went over to her.

"We'll start at the top and work downwards yeah?" she asked, more calmer than earlier.

"Yeah I don't mind" I said trying to act calm when really I wanted to jump up and down like a little kid because I get to spend time with my mate.

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