Chapter 11

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We're going to Los Angeles today, yay! Most of us packed our suitcases and stuff last night. We've just put all the suitcases into our cars so we're just waiting for Sasha to finish. Mum, dad, Alex, Isaac, Jay, Asher and Casey have already gone, leaving Freddie with the key to the house to lock up and one for the one in LA. It wasn't long till Sasha was finally packed and ready to go. Freddie locked up the house whilst we put her suitcase into the car. We went in two cars because we had too many suitcases to fit in one car. Freddie, Sasha and Georgina went in Freddie's car. Whilst me and Logan went in my car. We all got into the cars and drove off to Los Angeles.

~In Los Angeles~

It took us about five hours from our house, including a few stops for the toilet and getting something to eat. We got settled in our rooms and the girls went off to get food and drink whilst me and the lads sorted out tonight's party. Freddie went off to his room because mum rang him. So me and Logan quietly sorted out the rooms. We put all the valuables into the office and locked it so they can't get broken. We then moved the living room about so people had space to dance. We then headed to the back yard and put some lights around the place. When we were finished, the girls were back with the food and drink.

"Okay everyone, mum says to be careful and don't trash the place, she knows we're going to have a party cause as she put it 'she was once our age'" Freddie tells everyone. We nod then start ringing people about the party tonight.

~That night ~

It's been about two hours since the party 'started', most people just turned up whenever. Me and Cassie were in the living room with here grinding against me.

"Getting a drink do you want some?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'll come with you" she says kissing me. Logan was in the kitchen with some of the guys.

"Cole! You drinking!" he slurred.

I laughed and we did some shots together and had people cheering us on when we decided to find how many beers we could drink in five minutes. Soon enough we were pushing each other into the pool and running around naked. The rest of the night was a blur.

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