Chapter 22

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The flat was a ten minute walk away and it was a nice flat, it had two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.

"Are you sure your flat mate will be fine with me being here?" I asked unsure.

"He will be fine with it and anyways I don't think he's here for a couple days" he said.

"Oh okay, would you mind if I had a quick shower?" I asked shyly.

"That's fine, I'll just go grab you a towel and some clothes" he said walking away. He came back with a towel, some sweats and a hoodie and passed it to me.

"These are the smallest clothes I've got sorry, the bathroom is the door on the left" he says and goes to the living room.

I walk off to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stripped off my clothes and got in the shower letting the water cool and calm me down. When I was finished I quickly dried myself and put on the clothes Orlando gave me. They were too big so I had to fold them up a bit. I dried my hair and pulled it up into a ponytail. I walked back out and sat myself next to Orlando on the couch.

"Thanks" I say again.

"It's okay, you don't need to keep saying that" he says with a chuckle.

"Oh sorry" I say.

"It's fine Sasha" he says.

"So what time is it?" I ask curiously.

"About ten at night" he replies.

"Wow didn't think it was that late" I say after I yawned.

"You tired?" he asked and I nodded as a response.

"Go sleep in Trent's room he won't mind" he said.

"Are you sure?" I wondered.

"Yeah, his rooms the second on the right" he tells me and goes back to watching tv.

"Thanks for everything Orlando, night" I say quickly hugging him.

I walk off to Trent's room, he didn't have much furniture just a double bed and a desk. I take off the sweats because I was getting too hot and got under the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillows I fell into a deep sleep.

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