Chapter 3

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I waited patiently for her to tell me how many babies I'm having this time and how far along I was.

"Your nine weeks pregnant and your having....triplets" she said and I gasped, triplets!

"Wow" I said.

I get off the chair and headed out the doctors. I sit in my car and think over everything, looking at my baby scan photo. I already have eight children, who I love very much but are we ready for more... am I? I love children and I've always wanted a big family but am I ready to be a mum to eleven children at the age of 37! I started the engine and drive to the elementary to pick up the twins.

When I get home I started preparing dinner whilst Casey and Asher pester each other near me.

"Why don't you go watch a film or something" I say.

They nod and head to the children's living room, what we call the 'den'. I carry on cooking when I hear a car pull up outside. I look at the door and see Oliver walk through the door.

"Hey babe, how was things?" I ask him.

"Everything is okay at the moment just other packs nearby playing up" he says tiredly.

"Why don't you have a nap and I'll get one of the kids to wake you up when it's dinner" I say then kiss him.

"Are you sure babe?" he asks.

"Yeah it's fine" I say.

He kisses me then heads upstairs. I put the pasta dish what I've been sorting into the oven and go check on the twins. I looked into the room and saw them playing on a game on the Wii, they look so much like Logan and Cole when they were that age.

The twins notice me looking at me, "Play with us mum" they say.

I walk over to them and see that they were playing Mario karts. I get a controller and play the game with them. The both beat me on all the races we did. I left them to carry on whilst I went to check on dinner. It was five in the afternoon now, the others should be back soon. Normally they finish at four but they had clubs today, Freddie, Logan, Cole and Jay had rugby practice, Isaac had art class and Sasha was at her driving lessons. I heard their car's pull up and them all walk through the door.

"Thanks a lot guys?!" I heard Sasha shout at the others.

"I thought-" I heard Cole shout back.

"Well you thought wrong!" Sasha shouted back and stormed upstairs.

"Shh your father's having a nap, what's going on?" I asked the boys.

"Ask her" Cole said.

"I will in a minute I want to know your side first" I said. The others stalked off to their rooms.

"This guy was coming too close to Sasha and I told him to get away from her, then punched him because he wouldn't" he said.

"Okay, well go get ready, dinner will be ready soon" I said calmly.

I walked upstairs, I woke up Oliver so he could sort out dinner whilst I talked to Sasha. I knocked on her door and heard a mumbled 'come in'. I quietly walked in and closed the door behind me. Sasha was laid on her bed, with her head on the pillow.

"What's wrong baby girl" I ask sitting on her bed.

"I really like this guy and he was talking to me, he was just about to ask me out when the guys ruined it for me and Cole punched him!" she said angrily.

"They ruin everything!" she huffs.

"Sweetie the boys were just being protective of you, you're their only sister" I say.

"Yeah but still they ruined it for me!" she said still angry.

"I bet the guys are really angry at themselves right now, I don't think they understand that your growing up, neither can me or your father" I say.

"Okay mum" she says and hugs me.

"I'll let you get ready, dinner should be ready in a minute" I say and walk out of her room.

We all sit down for dinner just waiting for Sasha to come down.

"Say sorry to her when she comes down" I say sternly to the boys.

They nod in response and not long after Sasha walks into the dining room and sits down quietly.

"I'm really sorry sis" Cole says.

"We're sorry as well" says the others.

"Okay" Sasha says softly and we start eating dinner.

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