Chapter 14

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~3 weeks later~

Today is my nineteenth birthday and I've also got my eight week ultrasound today. Oliver still hasn't come back, I just want him back so we can start our family together. It's took me a long time to get my head around being pregnant, I don't want to be a single mum if Oliver doesn't come back but on the bright side I will always have a little piece of him with me. I still haven't told anyone I'm pregnant because I want Oliver to be the first to know. Luckily I haven't got a baby bump yet so I don't have people asking.

I got out of bed and walked into my closet. I grabbed a baggy long sleeved top and a pair of jeans because it was about ten weeks till Christmas, so it was getting colder now. I put them on and grabbed some comfy trainers and put them on. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I walked downstairs and grabbed a banana. I ate it and got my car keys. I put the banana skin in the bin and headed out to my car. Everyone else was asleep luckily because it was only about eight in the morning. I got in my car and sped off to the doctors.

I didn't have to wait long in the waiting room till my name was called. I walked in the room and sat down on the bed. The doctor walked in and smiled.

"Hello Miss Howard so it's the eight week ultrasound today" she says smiling.

"Yeah times flown by" I lied, it's felt like years the past three weeks.

"Ok let's see your baby, this might be a bit cold" she says and puts this cold gel on my stomach. She uses the machine and I watch the little screen. I then hear a strong heart beat and also mine.

"The baby is healthy and growing fine" The doctor says.

"That's good" I say happily.

"Oh wait sorry, you have two babies it was hiding behind the other one" she says smiling.

"Wow" I say shocked.

"I'll see you in a few weeks, you should be able to find out the sex soon. If there's any problems make an appointment" she says smiling.

"Thanks doc" I say and walk out.

Wow I'm having twins, twins!

~later that day~

I was laid down on my bed thinking about the babies which made me smile. I heard a soft knock on the door and suddenly jumped out my trance.

I quickly got up and opened the door. Ann was stood there with something behind her back. She walked up to me and handed me a blindfold, I looked at it then at her.

"Wha-" I started to say.

"Just put it on please" she pleaded. I did as she said and put it on.

"Time for your surprise" she squealed.

"I've just got to get you changed first" She says sitting me on my bed.

"Erm why?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" she squealed again

I kept quiet and let her do what she had to do. There is absolutely no chance of you winning against a very pregnant woman believe me, specially a she-wolf. After what felt like hours she was finally finished with poking and prodding at me. I stood up and heard someone else come in the room and whoever it was gasped.

"Who is it?" I asked nervously.

"It's me Louis" he said.

"Ok?" I questioned.

"Don't worry, just here to help you downstairs" he said sarcastically.

I decided to just stay quiet cause I wasn't up to arguing. I let Louis guide me to wherever, but it wasn't long till I was stopped. I felt the blindfold slip off and I gasped.....

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