Chapter 15

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Logan's Pov

Today we're all going to the fair for the day. Cole's bringing his mate, Vanessa along as well. I can't believe he found his mate before me or Freddie, it's not fair! But I am glad he has found his mate. I had a quick shower, changed, then headed downstairs. We ended up filling three cars and drove off to the fair, what wasn't far away. When we got there, mum and dad took Casey, Asher, Isaac and Alex round the kiddie rides. Whilst me, Jay, Sasha, Freddie, Georgina, Cole and Vanessa went off to the older rides as mum calls them.

"What we going on first?" Sasha asks.

"Extreme!" we all shouted.

We laughed then headed to extreme. We had to go in pairs on this ride so I went with Freddie, Cole went with Vanessa, Sasha went with Georgina and Jay went on his own.

We rode the extreme a few times and also some other rides then headed to the food tent. We grabbed a soda and some food and chatted for a while.

"So Vanessa tell us about yourself" I asked her.

"Oh okay.. Well I'm Vanessa Marie, I'm nearly eighteen. I'm normally seen drawing something. I'm an only child , my mum passed away when I was a baby and my dad works away a lot but we're moving to California soon and hopefully permanently" she says.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your mum" Cole says hugging her.

"I'm fine, really" she answers.

"So tell me about you guys?" she asks.

"Okay I'll start, I'm Cole Rhys Wilson, I'm Eighteen. I love to play drums. I have seven siblings, and one is my twin" Cole says.

"I'm Logan Zack Wilson, I'm eighteen. I enjoy sports and I'm the better looking twin" I say.

"I'm Jay Thomas Wilson, I'm thirteen. Everyone says I'm very loud and lively but I don't agree" Jay says.

"I'm Freddie Christian Diego Howards, I'm eighteen and live with these lot" Freddie says going quiet.

"I'm Sasha Ann Wilson, I'm sixteen. I'm the only girl of our family but hopefully I won't be soon" Sasha says quickly not wanting to give Vanessa a chance to ask Freddie more questions.

"Wow your mum is expecting more?" Vanessa asks.

"Yeah triplets" Cole answers.

"Wow she must love kids" Vanessa jokes.

"Yeah" we all agreed. We headed back to the rides, everyone decided to go on the waltzers but I wanted to go on extreme again.

"You go on waltzers and I'll go on extreme then meet up at the waltzers, yeah?" I asked.

"Sure, cya soon bro" Jay replies.

I walked over to the extreme and got on it nearly straight away. The fair was quite busy today and I'm most likely going to have someone sit next to me. I then heard girls talking nearby and I listened in.

"Is it okay if me and Jazz sit next to each other Nat?" someone asked.

"Yeah that's fine I'll go sit next to...him" Nat answered looking towards me. I then took in Nat's appearance, she had short blonde hair and dark brown eyes...she was....gorgeous!

"Hey can I sit there?" Nat asked me pointing to the seat next to me.

"Yeah sure" I answered.

She had an angel like voice. I watched as she sat next to me. She looked to be about my age and was wearing a white dress with sandals.

"MATE!" my wolf shouted at me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah and she has a secret just like us" he replied.

"What?" I asked my wolf.

"I can't say but you will have to find out" he replied.

I looked over to Nat and tried figuring out what her secret was, but it was hard to figure out, I could smell wolf on her but that might not mean she's a wolf. I just hope I can work out a way of getting to know her.

"Hey I'm Logan" I told her whilst we was waiting for the ride to start.

"Hi Logan, I'm Natasha but please call me Nat" she replies smiling. I smiled back then the ride began.

When it ended I walked off and saw Natasha standing with two girls. I walked over and smiled,

"Hey, I know we only just met but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" I asked Natasha.

"Hmm...I'm not sure " she replied.

"Okay, well here's my number if you change your mind" I said telling her my number.

"Well maybe see you around" I said with a sad smile.

When I was far enough away I heard the two girls screaming at Nat, saying how hot I was. Oh I do love making girls scream, I though smirking. I head over to the others and they look at me questionably.

"I've found her" I whispered to Cole.

"Well done bro" he says back. We went back to mum and the others then headed back home. When we was in the car I got a text .

'Hey it's Natasha, I was wondering if you wanted to meet at the Mystic beach tomorrow at noon?' she text me.

Wow she actually text me, I thought she would delete my number.

'Yeah that's fine, text me tomorrow where you are and I'll come to you' I text back.

'Okay' she text back.

I put my phone away and smiled to myself thinking of Natasha.

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