Chapter 27

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Diego's Pov

I howled for my pack to attack the Moonlit Pack. I watched as we all ran towards the house without a struggle. However once inside the other pack got into fighting positions and we started fighting, with us starting to bite and snarl at each other. I told Jamie, one of my strongest pack member to go for Tom and give him a tortured death but he ended up in a fight with a different wolf. I ran towards the Moonlit Pack's alpha, Ralph.

We started to circle around each other snarling towards one another. I jumped forward aiming towards his neck but he quickly moved out the way and I skidded on the floor. He came towards me, his mouth coming towards my leg but I jumped up just before he did. I got distracted when I heard a loud howl from behind and Ralph took that as his chance to attack because he bite down on my front leg. I used my other leg to push him off me and stood up not caring about how much pain I was in. He started moving backwards but did a stupid thing and didn't look at what I was doing. I took that as my opportunity and bit down on his neck, I could taste his metallic blood. He started squirming around trying to get me off him but I didn't let go.

He started to go weak and changed back to his human form. I did the same and quickly put on the shorts what was tied around my ankle. Ralph was laid down on the floor, barely breathing. I found a dagger on the floor nearby and stabbed him just above the heart. I would have done more torture but I noticed that some of my pack needed help. Some of my pack was injured but none killed, but luckily some of the moonlit pack was dead. I turned around quickly to check on Ralph but was shocked when I was stabbed in the heart by Ralph using the dagger I stabbed him with. 

"If I'm going down I'm taking you with me" Ralph snarled at me, but then he fell down on the floor lifeless. I started to feel weak and tired, I started drifting off but before I did I saw Ann.

"No baby, you can't go, stay with me Diego!" she screamed at me.

"I love you baby never forget that" I say softly.

"B-but I'm pregnant" she said softly.

"I'm a dad" I smiled at her but then the bright light came and then I felt nothing......

Oliver's Pov

When I came out of unconsciousness I heard fighting upstairs. The girls were apologising but I told them it's fine and to stop panicking. I started walking towards the door to go find out what was happening upstairs.

"You girls stay here, if the others from our pack are upstairs I will send them down to help you" I say firmly.

"Okay" the both said quietly.

"Before I go I just want to say something in case I don't make it. Mimi-" I started saying.

"I know Oliver" Mimi whispers.

"What?! You know that you're my mate" I say amazed.

"Yes" she says smiling slightly.

She motions for me to walk towards her and when I did she kissed me tenderly on the lips but soon pulled away, which I pout at.

"If you want more kisses you will survive and come back to me" she says flirty. I smiled and ran out the cell and upstairs.

It was a blood bath upstairs. There were unconscious and dead bodies laid on the floor. I saw Jamie was trying to fight two wolves, a girl and a boy. The boy wolf looked a lot like my wolf which was strange. I changed to my wolf form and ran over to them and got between the wolves. I told Jamie to go get the girls whilst I sorted out the two wolves. He ran off and so did the girl wolf, I was about to run after her but the male wolf shifted into his human form. He quickly put on his shorts and looked at me; I was shocked when I saw my older brother Louis. I changed back as well and pulled on some shorts. 

"Hi little brother" he said with a smirk.

"What you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Well where should I start. Basically when you were adopted, leaving me behind. I was soon adopted by an old couple. But after a while of being there, I decided to run away and then after eleven years of moving about I came across this pack" he said calmly.

"Oh, but why would you stay with the Moonlit Pack and how are you a wolf? I was the only one to be bitten" I questioned.

"Because I get to bang that chick, Rachel and it turns out that we're actually half brother's, my dad is a wolf" he says smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him; he's still the same guy but was shocked to find out he had a different dad than me. He was about to say something else but stopped when we heard a scream which made the whole room freeze.

The scream came from Ann and she was leaning over a body, it was Diego. I ran over to them and saw Ann's tear filled face and knew he was dead. No he can't be he just can't! I looked around and saw that there were only three Moonlit Pack members left. They were Tom, Louis and Rachel but Rachel had run away. Tom was badly injured and Louis was cut and bruised but looked fine and was just stood there watching. We ignored them and paid attention on Ann and Diego. I noticed Jamie was carrying Mimi and went over to them.

"Hey thanks for getting them Jamie" I said thankfully.

"No problem" he said smiling slightly.

He handed over Mimi to me and I carried her out, we walked near where Diego laid. I looked down at my beautiful mate, when she saw her brother she just broke down. Sobbing into my chest, not being able to breath properly from crying.

"Please just take me home Oliver" she whispered.

I nodded to the other and walked out of the house and towards our pack house. I hate to see her like this, I wish there was something I could do. I still need to tell her about me being a royal wolf...

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