Chapter 3

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The date

We've been in the car for about ten minutes but it felt like hours because of the awkward silence between me and Oliver. I couldn't last any longer in this silence.

"So where are we going" I ask.

"It's a surprise" he says smirking.

"That's not fair you know I don't like surprises!" I say annoyed at him.

"Well were nearly there" he says looking at me then looking back at the road.

"Fine" I huffed out.

We went back in silence whilst Oliver concentrated on the road and I tried to work out where we were going. I looked out the window, all I could see was the road and the normal landscape. I then started noticing the familiar surroundings, we was getting closer to town.

We were soon parked up in the public car park. Oliver got out and came round to my side, opening my door, what a gentleman. We walked to the main street but instead of going into a restaurant there we carried on walking. The streets were getting quieter the further we walked. We soon stopped and walked into a small Italian restaurant, I didn't get chance to catch the name but it looked wonderful. It wasn't very busy inside and there was only a few tables. A waitress walked towards us and did a fake smile towards us but when she saw Oliver she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"Hi, I'm Kate and I will be your waitress tonight" she says smiling towards Oliver.

"I have a reservation for Wilson" Oliver says smiling back to Kate.

"Ok follow me sir and ma'am" she says saying ma'am with disgust.

We followed Kate towards the back of the room but carried on into a section what was covered up, it was a private room with only one table. I really don't know why Oliver's putting so much effort into this, it's only me. We sat down at the table and Kate gave us the menu's and walked off, I don't know why but I'm so glad she's gone, I'm not even going out with Oliver so why am I so annoyed with her for flirting with him?

We ordered our food after a while and we were now sat at the table enjoying our drinks and getting to know each other. He explained to me that he has an older brother called Louis, what I thought was cool but I felt bad for them when I heard the story about their parents and how they lost contact. Then he told me that he saw him again not long ago, he was part of the Moonlit Pack! I was in shock, I can't believe his brother could be part of a pack that's so horrible!

Whilst I was there digesting what Oliver just told me, Kate brought over our food, obviously giving Oliver his first and bending over that little bit more than she needed to. I ignored it and tucked into my chicken pasta dish as I was too hungry and it looked delicious. Oliver also ordered a pasta dish but was different to mine and it looked really nice, might have to order it next time. We ate our food in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence luckily.

We finished our food and payed halves, Oliver wasn't happy about it but oh well, I'm not going to let him pay for my food. Instead of walking back towards the car we walked towards this hill that wasn't far from the restaurant. We started walking up it but it wasn't that easy for me seeing as I was in my stilettos. I got to the top of the hill with a little help from Oliver. The view from up here was absolutely amazing, I was just gob smacked, we both sat on the dry grass.

"Wow" was all I was able to say.

"I know, I found it the other day and it's beauty reminded of you" Oliver says looking lovingly into my eyes. All I was able to do was blush, what is he doing to me! Oliver bent down so he was eye level with me.

"You have the most amazing brown eyes you know" Oliver says doing his award winning half smile.

"Thanks" I say blushing even more.

"So is it a date?" Oliver asked me.

"Hmm I don't know" I say teasingly.

In slow motion our lips came closer and closer till they finally touched and sparks flew all around my body. He pulled back smirking knowing I wanted more.

"So is it a date now?" he says teasingly.

"If I say yes will you shut up and kiss me?" I say rising an eyebrow.

Oliver smirked then his lips touched mine and the sparks went off again like fireworks, I was on cloud nine and didn't want to come back down, but it was short lived.

"I've got something I've been meaning to tell you" Oliver says shyly.

"Go on" I say encourage him.

"Well you know that day in the attic, well I never told you what happened..." He drifted off.

"Well I saw my parents and also...your dad" Oliver says quietly.

"What?! How?" I say shocked.

"I'm not fully sure how, but I got to meet them, your father told me that because I wasn't born a werewolf and was changed by another werewolf who wasn't my mate it makes me.." He started saying and I interrupted him.

"You're the royal alpha" I say staring at him.

"Yeah" he says nodding.

"Wow" was all I could say.

"I don't want this to change anything, specially between us but I think other's will work it out soon enough" He says looking into my eyes.

"Okay alpha" I say jokingly.

"So you don't hate me?" Oliver says shocked.

"Course not silly! I'm happy for you and this pack needs an Alpha and I think you'll be perfect for it" I say smiling and cuddle into him.

We laid on the grass with me in his arms, at the top of the hill watching the sunset...

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