Chapter 2

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I woke up early to help get the children up for school and Oliver up to go to the pack house. I started to get ready when I suddenly felt dizzy, I stood still for a little while and luckily it soon passed. I carried on getting changed then went downstairs. I start cooking breakfast when I heard Sasha walk through the door, most parents would be alarmed at where she's been, but she always goes on a jog early in the morning.

"Hey mum" she says walking into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie have a good jog?" I asked her whilst still cooking.

"Yeah thanks mum" she says smiling.

"Why don't you go get ready for school, breakfast will be ready soon" I say.

"Okay mum" she says and runs upstairs.

I finish cooking breakfast and leave it to cool on the table in the kitchen. I walk upstairs and get ready for the hassle of waking them all up. I go to mine and Oliver's room first to wake him up. I kiss him on the lips and he soon kisses me back.

"Time to get up babe" I say after pulling away, he whines like a teenager and gets out of bed slowly. I walk out to leave him to get ready and go into Freddie's room, I shook him slightly and he groaned.

"Wake up, it's school" I say softly. He rolls over and falls back to sleep.

"I'll just go get the water then" I say loudly.

He soon jumps awake, what makes me laugh. I left him to get ready and went to the others. I go wake everyone else up, having to threaten Logan and Isaac with water as well. Casey and Asher share a room but the rest have their own rooms. It didn't take long till we were all up and eating breakfast.

It was now nine in the morning, time for school. Freddie, Logan, Cole, Jay, Sasha and Isaac go in two car's to high school. I take Casey and Asher to elementary school in my car. I kiss Oliver quickly as he gets into his car whilst me, Casey and Asher get into my car. I wave goodbye to the others whilst they drive off, then start driving myself.

I drop the twins off and go back home. I park the car and go inside. I start cleaning up the children's living room up then their rooms. I then sit down in the living room and relax for a little while. I then felt really sick after I had a sip of water. I quickly run to the nearest bathroom and brought my breakfast back up. I've been suffering from the flu for the past few weeks and it's horrible, it's also strange because werewolves don't suffer illnesses that easily.

Oliver keeps telling me to go to the doctors to see if there's anything to get rid of it but I just tell him to stop worrying. I finally decide to do what Oliver says and ring up the doctors. I booked an appointment for in an hour's time, luckily someone just cancelled an appointment. I go clean myself up and change my clothes. I then realised I didn't have much food in so I went and got in my car. I drove to the nearest supermarket and brought some food, I looked at the time and saw I had ten minutes to get to the doctor's.

I soon got to the doctors and sat in the waiting room. My name was called by the doctor and I followed her into the room. I've been in this room so many times now, I thought to myself.

"Hello Mrs Wilson" the doctor said.

"I told you, just call me Mimi" I say.

"Okay mr-Mimi, you came because you have the flu?" she asked.

"Yeah I've had it for few weeks now" I say.

"Okay, I'll take a blood test to make sure you just have the flu" she says, what scared me slightly, what if I'm really ill?! She took my blood then went to a different room.

A little while later she came back with a sheepish look on her face.

"Mrs Wilson you haven't got the flu, instead your....pregnant" the doctor said. I let out a big sigh, I'm not ill, wow am I ready for my sixth pregnancy, I asked myself.

"How far along?" I asked.

"You're not as shocked as your other pregnancies" the doctor said.

"Nope, I probably should of guessed sooner as I thought it was the flu with my first pregnancy" I say laughing.

"Okay, why don't we have a check up on that baby then?" she asked.

"Okay" I said and laid down on the bed. She switched on the ultrasound and did the normal check up.

"Your nine weeks pregnant and your having....

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