Chapter 18

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It's been three days since Auntie Megan, Uncle Rory and Abigail visited us. Today we're going back home from Los Angeles sadly but it means we can go back and tell the pack about mine and Cole's new mates. After Natasha spoke to her sister, she came up with an agreement with her. She's allowed to come join our pack but she's got to go visit her sister at least once a month. So now both Natasha and Vanessa are coming to join our pack.

Cole finally told Vanessa that they are mates. But when the time is right he will bite her and change her into a wolf like us but she won't have the imprint like full blooded wolves have. The other day Sasha came to me and Cole and asked us what imprinting is like. We told her that you have a pull towards your mate and that you think they are the most amazing person in the world. She smiles sadly then tells us that her boyfriend Fraser isn't her mate. We comforted her and explained that mates can come into our lives at any time.

Yesterday me, Sasha, Vanessa, Georgina, Natasha, Cole and Freddie headed to the beach together. Mum went with Asher, Casey and Isaac to the fair again. Whilst dad went with Jay to the forest because he's started having his first shift.

We were all now packing our suitcases and putting them into the cars. We were all going in our separate cars again. Vanessa is coming up in a couple days with her dad when they move into their new house. Natasha is driving up in her own car which was filled with her stuff. We all drove off back home but dad and Jay are staying because Jay's still going through his first shift.

~Back Home~

Five hours later and we all are finally back home. We unpacked all our suitcases from the car. I showed Natasha round the place and showed where my room is. She's allowed to share a room with me but if she doesn't want she can have her own room.

"Okay babe this is my room and yours is next door" I smiled. "It's up to you if you want to share with me or have your own".

"Yours!" she giggled.

"That's fine with me" I smiled.

"So what do I do with my stuff?" she asks.

"Well my closet is hardly full so you can put your stuff in their or we could get you your own wardrobe" I replied unpacking my suitcase.

"I'll share yours cause there's no point getting a new wardrobe just for me" she laughs.

"Well you're my mate, you can have anything you want" I say standing up and kissing her. She blushed then started unpacking her suitcase's and boxes.

"You want help?" I asked.

"Yeah sure could you unpack that box for me please" she asked.

"Sure babe" I smiled. I started unpacking her box. I then came across something what made me smile.

"I'm liking this" I said holding a pair of underwear up. She turns round then blushes a deep red and snatches it off me.

"I was just saying" I smirked.

"Well don't" she said still blushing.

"You look cute when you blush" I whisper in her ear. I look at her gorgeous face and saw I made her blush more. I went back to unpacking not finding any more surprises.

When we was finished I laid down on my bed.

"Want to watch a film?" I asked Natasha.

"Yeah sure" she smiled.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked her.

"Twilight! It makes me laugh at all the things they get wrong about us and vampires" she giggled.

"Sure I'll just go grab it from downstairs and get some drinks and popcorn, want to come?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" she smiles.

We walk downstairs and get twilight from the living room then got soda and popcorn from the kitchen. We headed back upstairs and put the drinks and popcorn on my desk. I put the dvd on and laid down on the bed. Natasha lays beside me and cuddles up against me.

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