Chapter 10

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When I woke up I felt better than I did yesterday I stretched my arms out but hit someone whilst doing so. I quickly opened my eyes to see Oliver waking up rubbing at his head, oops. I watched as Oliver stretched as well then slowly opened his eyes. He looked straight at me and let out a happy sigh.

"Thanks for that" Oliver said fake upset.

"Y-" I tried talking but my mouth was too dry. I gestured for a drink to Oliver, he looked confused for a minute then he understood.

"You want a drink?" he asked.

I nodded my head and he rushed out the room. He soon came back with some water and the doctor behind him. Oliver passed me the water and I gulped it all down and sighed happily.

"Thanks" I said to Oliver.

"Glad to see you awake Mimi how are you feeling" the doctor asked formally.

"Just a bit sore" I answered truthfully.

"That's quite common seeing as you have been in a coma for about a month then been in and out of one for another week" the doctor said. I nodded for an answer.

"You was spiked with some very strange medication that caused you to go into a coma. If it was any stronger it could have been more life threatening. Luckily it wasn't, I'll be right back to give you a check up and if everything is ok you should be able to go home tomorrow" the doctor said walking out the room.

"What happened?" I asked Oliver as soon the doctor walked out.

"I found you in a room with a sorcerer, he must of given you some kind of drug and then I found you passed out on the floor so I brought you here" he said sadly.

"Oh" was all I was able to say but I had a feeling he wasn't telling me everything but I didn't push him by asking. We both fell into silence till the doctor came back. She checked me over to make sure the drugs were out of my system.

"Everything looks to be fine, you will just feel a bit sore and might have mild amnesia. The soreness won't last long but I'm not sure about the amnesia" the doctor said sadly.

"Ok doc when can I go home?" I ask, I really wanted to go home!

"Because you seem in perfect health now, you can go whenever, but you will need to come back every few days for check ups" the doctor said.

"Ok" I say happily.

"I will go tell the office and I hope for the best Mimi" she says with a small smile.

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