Chapter 6

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~The next morning~

I woke up whacking my alarm clock for waking me up, stupid school making me wake up early! I dragged myself back to my room and to the bathroom and had a nice hot shower to wake me up. I got out feeling more awake and headed towards my closet in a towel. I got changed into my light grey skinny jeans and a black tank top with a purple baggy top over it. I put on a bit of eye liner and then put a cute heart necklace on which Oliver brought me. I put on my purple converse's then got my phone, iPod, books and keys and popped them into my school bag. I skipped back down the hall to Oliver's room. I knocked softly and walked in. Aww he looks so cute sleeping, I crept towards him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He groaned and rolled over.

"I'm guessing you don't want to see your girlfriend before she goes to school" I whispered into his ear. He shot up looking round, I was trying to hold in a laugh but it was hard not to. I burst out laughing at the shock on his face.

"You'll regret that babe" he said smirking.

"What?" I said acting clueless.

"You know" he said.

He slowly got up and walked towards me, every step he took towards me I stepped backwards. We kept doing this till I was up against the wall. He smirked and came right in front of me. He started kissing down my neck what made me moan then he pulled away. Then all of a sudden he just started tickling me, making me squeal begging him to stop. I sulked at him when he finally stopped what made him smirk.

"That's not fair" I say pouting.

"Don't pout like that babe" He says sadly.

I then got an idea I started kissing him roughly and we were soon on the bed with him on top of me. I waited until he was really enjoying it and then I rolled him over so I was on top and started kissing him down his neck that's when I pulled away and started running downstairs, ha that's what you get for tickling me. I heard him cuss and was running downstairs after me. I stood in front of the mirror sorting my hair out. He wrapped his arms round my waist.

"Babe why do that to me" he whined.

"It was payback babe" I say smirking.

"Do you have to go" he said sadly.

"Yes I do but I've only got a month left" I smile when I say month.

"Ok babe" he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I waited for Ann to come down and we walked over to my car and threw our bags into the back. I started up the engine and drove off to school. When we finally got there I looked at all the people walking into school in their different groups chatting away. I parked up and saw Megan walking towards us. She waved at us whilst I grabbed our bags and got out of the car.

"Hey Megan" I say smiling whilst we walked meeting up with her.

"Hey guys" she say happily.

"One month left then were free" I say doing a little happy dance.

"Yeah" Megan smiled.

The bell rang and we headed off to our first lessons.

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