Chapter 21

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Diego's Pov

I wanted to rip his head off! If he dares to even touch her I'll-. Rory put his snout near my right ear. This was his way of reassuring me whilst we was in wolf form because when I'm angry I become unstoppable specially with alpha blood running through my veins. I nodded thanks to him and carried on running through the woods. Me, Rory and some others were searching the north side of the house. I put Jamie in charge of a group to search the east side. I put Hermione and Cody in charge of a group to search the south side and then Steve and Darren and some others are searching the west side. We have a limited time of another two hours of searching till we have to head back to the pack house. However if any of us get tired, hungry or injured they have to head back to the pack house straight away. Before the alpha, my father passed away he prepared us for this kind of stuff, well not precisely for Mimi getting kidnapped but for tracking down a rogue or to protect ourselves if we get attacked. None of us was going to leave a stone unturned. 

"Hey D can we have a break, I'm exhausted, but please don't send me back" Rory said tiredly talking to me through our pack mind link. 

"Yeah sure, but only for a few moments there's a pond over there that we can sit near" I said using my snout to point towards the pond.

We slowly walked over towards the pond still looking around to see if we saw any signs of Mimi being nearby. When we got to the pond we drank a bit of water from the pond then we sat under a willow tree, which gave us shade and shelter. We were laid down under the willow tree when we saw....

Mimi's Pov

When I woke up I ached all over and couldn't move my arms or legs. I moved my head to see why I couldn't move and saw a rope around my wrists what was attached to the bed posts. I then looked at my ankles and saw silver chains around them, burning my skin. I could feel myself being weakened by the minute, not able to break out of these chains. I then looked around and saw I was in a small room with no windows. The only thing in the room was this small bed, which wasn't comfy at all and there was a sink. I tried moving one of my hands but it just made the rope cut into my wrist more but this time my wrist started bleeding. I started cursing but stopped when I heard the creak of the door being unlocked and opened.

A man walked in, he looked familiar but I don't know why but when he came closer and I saw his face more clearly. I now remembered why he looked familiar; he's the alpha of the moonlit pack his name was.... Ralph. Last night started to flood back to me and now I remembered that Tom had kidnapped me and they was planning on hurting me like Tom did and he also called me a royal mate, but why? I stopped wondering why when he started talking,

"Sweet child you shouldn't be so worried. You will have fun with me and my pack" he said smiling evilly.

"I would never have fun with you or your pack" I spat at him.

"You'll soon learn to" he said walking away with an evil laugh...

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