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Mimi's Pov

~2 months later~

Today was my due date for the triplets so the atmosphere was buzzing with happiness but with nerves. Freddie has now moved out with Yasmin into one of the houses near the pack house, it was owned by us already so he wasn't totally 'moving away'. Cole, Logan and Freddie were all loved up what made me happy knowing that my children are happy. They got engaged to their mates a couple months ago, but they don't plan on marrying just yet.

I laid comfortably on the couch watching tv whilst people went along their usual business, I told everyone not to fuss over me seeing as this wasn't my first pregnancy. Werewolf pregnancies were normally quite accurate with the due date so that helped a lot. We knew they were coming today just didn't know what time. I was getting into the programme I was watching when I felt water rush from between my legs and I was sat in a puddle of water, why did my water break when I was starting to get comfy? I chuckle to myself and start to get up and shouted Oliver that it was time.

We got things we needed and called my mum and Louis to come look after the children whilst we went to the hospital, we couldn't wait around long so we put Cole and Logan in charge and went to the hospital. We got there and was rushed into a room straight away and I felt ready to push, I guess I won't have to wait like I did with most of my pregnancies. Oliver was stood by my side and the doctor walked into the room.

"Hello Mimi, is this your first pregnancy?" he asked.

"Nope I've got seven children already" I chuckled.

"Wow, and your expecting triplets?" he said shocked.

"Yepp" I said smiling.

"Well I think it's time to push" he said.

I started to push and after about half an hour the room was filled with a baby's scream.

"It's a boy" the doctor says and hands him to the nurse, "Time to push again" the doctor said. I pushed once again and only had a few minutes later the second of my triplets was born.

"Another boy" the doctor says and passes it to the midwife.

"Wow, Sasha's not going to be happy" I joked and Oliver laughed slightly.

"Looks like the last one isn't ready yet" The doctor said checking me over. We had to wait another half an hour then I felt the urge.

"Push!" the doctor nearly shouted to me. I pushed as hard as I could and a while later another baby's scream filled the room.

"Congratulations it's a girl" the doctor said and I had the biggest grin on my face, he passed the baby to the nurse again to be wrapped up.

"So out of eleven children we have two girls" Oliver says happily.

"Yepp" I said.

The doctor sorted me out and then looked at me going pale.

"I'm not sure how this has happened but you've actually got another baby to come" The doctor said shocked.

"What" I said shocked as well, looking over to Oliver, I saw he was speechless.

"But that means twelve children!" I say surprised then I felt the urge again.

"Push" The doctor shouted.

A few minutes later another baby's scream filled the room, I was exhausted.

"You have another...girl" The doctor says passing the last baby to the nurse.

They then passed me and Oliver our newly born babies. We was taken into another room where I would be staying for the night.

"I think we should name them before everyone gets here" Oliver suggested.

"Yeah, what was you thinking?" I asked.

"Well I like the names Tommy, Damian, Frankie and Ivan" he says.

"I like Frankie and Damian" I said.

"Okay, so which ones called Frankie and which one is Damian?" he asked.

I looked down at my two little boys held in my arms. The baby on my left side had a slight bit of black hair and the baby on my right hair had a lot of brown fluffy hair.

"This one is Damian" I said looking at the baby on my right with brown hair.

"And this is Frankie" I say looking at the baby on my left with black hair.

"Are they having middle names like the others?" Oliver asked again.

"Yeah, it's only fair" I say.

"Maybe Frankie Diego Wilson and Damian Christian Wilson?" he suggested.

"They're the same names as Freddie though...I know, how about Frankie Louis Wilson and Damian Oliver Wilson, after their father and uncle" I say smiling.

"After me?" he says surprised.

"It's perfect" I said with a smile kissing my newly named babies.

"Now just our little girls to name" he says looking down at them in his arms.

The one of his right had dark brown hair and was sleeping silently, the one on his left had black hair and was moving about in Oliver's arm.

"I like Ellie, maybe?" I suggested.

"Perfect, little Ellie, but which one?" he asked.

"The one on your right" I say smiling

"Hayley as her middle name?" He asked.

"Yeah" I say with a smile.

"How about Lily?" Oliver asks.

"Lily Ann Wilson...perfect" I say smiling.

We sat in silence for a while just looking at our newly born babies but it was soon disturbed when the rest of our children rushed into the room.

"Wow congrats mum" I kept hearing from them all.

"Wait there's four?" Freddie asked curiously.

"Yeah, one decided to hide the whole pregnancy" I say laughing.

"What gender's" Sasha asked excitedly.

"Well these two are boys and the two your dad are holding are girls" I say and her face brightens up and she rushes over to her new sisters.

"Mummy there so small" Casey and Asher say whilst stood at my side.

"I know it's because they're only babies" I say.

"What's their names?" Logan asked.

"The girl on dad's left is called Ellie Hayley and the girl on the right is called Lily Ann. The boy on my left is called Frankie Louis and the boy on my right is called Damian Oliver" I say smiling.

It had all calmed down now, Cole was holding Frankie, Logan was holding Damian, Freddie was holding Lily and Sasha was holding Ellie. We was all laughing and just happy to all be together. The doctor walked in and looked at all the people in the room.

"I'm very sorry but it can only be close family" he informs us.

"Doctor these are all my children" I say.

"Wow, I thought you was having a party in here" he chuckled, "Well I'm really sorry but you guys will have to go soon cause visiting hour is over soon and your mum will need some rest" the doctor says.

"That's fine could you just do me a favour quickly?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" he says.

"Could you get a picture of us all?" I ask.

"Yeah sure" he says and I pass him a camera.

The babies were placed in my arms and everyone surrounded my hospital bed whilst the doctor took our picture capturing this happy moment with my family....

The End


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