Chapter 6

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~A little while later~

I asked Tom if I could talk to him alone whilst the others were making dinner. Hayley decided to have a special dinner to celebrate the engagement and her coming home. I walked up to the my new room with Tom following.

"So what is so important you had to drag me all the way to your room for?" Tom asked angrily.

"W-well I.....I" I spluttered.

Tom whacked me round the head "Just spit it out lad I don't have time for your spluttering!". 

"Sorry well you know about mating and your wolf telling you when you have found your mate.....Well I found my mate" I said quickly.

"Well done Oli you finally found her, who is she? Is she hot? You do remember the rules though" Tom said jokingly then went stern with his last comment.

I hate it when he calls me Oli and he's so obsessed with girls I really don't know how he will be able to settle down with just one girl. Our previous pack was against mates, none of us had them well except for our alpha but when the Luna died that's when the rule came into place.

"My m-mate is.....M-Mimi" I said really quick hoping he didn't hear me, but he did cause his eyes went wide and his mouth went into a O shape.

"Wow Oli, that was unexpected...have you told her?" Tom questioned.

I shook my head and he started thinking.

"Don't tell her, you know the rules! Also you don't need a mate to be happy look at me and Hayley" He said smirking.

"Okay" I said quietly.

Tom started walking out of my room.

"Just promise me, you won't tell her if not for me, for Hayley" He said then walked out the room.

He knew I liked Hayley in a mother-son way. I slowly sat down on my bed thinking what he just said then snapped myself out of it and went downstairs. I followed the noise of chatter and found myself in what looks like the dining room. There was a long wooden oak table which had people sat all the way round it.

'Wow Hayley wasn't joking when she said she invited the whole pack' I thought to myself.

I found myself a spare seat in the middle of the table and sat down quickly. On my right was a boy with bleach blonde hair with black tips. On my left sat a young girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Hayley, Mimi and Diego placed out the food on the table and sat in their seats.

"Before we start I think it's time we did introductions cause I don't think Oliver and Tom know all your names yet" Hayley loudly said, which caused everyone to quieten down.

Everyone around the table started to introduce themselves, I tried remembering everyone's names but it's going to be difficult. Then it got round to the girl I saw earlier with the violet/blue eyes.

"Hey I'm Anastasia but please call me Ann" she said sweetly.

She quickly stood up and gave me and Tom a quick hug and went to sit back down next to Diego. The rest of the pack introduced themselves and we started eating the food. After dinner I headed up to my room and soon fell asleep dreaming of Mimi......

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