Chapter 16

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Mimi's Pov

I watched as Tom and Diego carried Oliver to the doctor's room. I stayed by his side when the doctor checked what was wrong with him and mum showed the doctor the book she had in her arms. It was a wolf book, to explain why some things happened. It's been passed down through the generations, it always kept in the pack house but anyone in that pack has access to it. It took us a while to find what was wrong with him, he has either found his mate and she denied him and he's had a funny turn from it or he has been contacted by ghosts. We thought it was more chance that he was contacted by ghosts because to our records he hadn't found his mate yet. Also if I was his mate, it can't be that he was denied by his mate because I haven't denied him, yet...

-A week later-

He's been in a coma for a week now; I'm really worried about him. I've sort of started getting this bond towards him. I stay by his side most days but I get forced to go to my room at night to sleep or to go eat. I was sat on the chair next to Oliver's bed talking to him about my day and that everyone wanted him to wake up. None of us had chance to get to know him so none of knew him that well, which made us feel guilty. 

"I'm getting all these feeling for you Oliver but I don't know why and I don't know what to do about it. It's wrong seeing as you're going to soon be my brother and that Tom doesn't agree with it" I said sadly putting my head on my arms which we're resting on the side of his bed.

"I just don't know what to do anymore" I said again knowing I wouldn't get a reply.

Sitting there in silence for a little while longer till it was intruded by someone else coming into the room... It was Tom. I haven't been alone in a room with him since... I didn't know what to do I just hoped someone else came in. My heart started beating a little bit faster. He smirked knowing I was scared, he turned around and locked the door. All of this was happening in slow motion and I felt I couldn't move. When Tom came close enough he crouched down to my level, I finally realised what was happening and was going to turn wolf but before I got chance he injected me with that stuff again and started shaking his head.

"Don't you remember what I told you, or do I need to teach you another lesson?" Tom said smirking.

My eyes went wide with shock even though I expected this from him now.

'Why am I so stupid, I shouldn't of given him the chance to inject me AGAIN!!' I thought frustrated with myself.

He got out the gag again and covered my mouth with it, but instead of hitting me he picked me up and walked over to the window. I was trying to get out of his grasp but it was no use. I was about to give up on any hope of getting away from this jerk but then when I looked over to Oliver his eyes were slightly open and I just knew he saw what happened, well I hoped he did. Luckily Tom didn't notice so he jumped out of the window with me in his arms and started running into the woods. When we were far away from the house Tom stopped running and we were soon with other wolves, they were the moonlit pack. The wolves turned back into human form and came towards me and Tom with smirks. 

"Well done you have kidnapped her, Tom" a man with dark brown hair and eyes so dark they were nearly pitch black.

"Thanks alpha Ralph" Tom replied dropping me on the floor.

"So we have finally got a royal mate" Ralph said looking at me with a smile.

I started asking why they were looking at me but it came out as mumbling because of the gag over my mouth. Ralph started walking towards me and stroked my cheek.

"She's a pretty one, might have a bit of fun with her" he said smirking then laughing with the group of men around us. 

"Well let's get her back to the house then boys" Ralph said proudly.

Ralph turned into a jet black furred wolf with Amber eyes and I was pushed onto his back, even though I didn't want to be near him or even touch him I held on because well I didn't have much control of my body at the moment. I just hope Oliver wakes up properly soon and tells my family that I was kidnapped and I can just go home.....

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