Chapter 20

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Later that day I started getting ready for my date with Oliver, it's been ages since me and him had some alone time and when that happened I got pregnant with the twins. I got changed into a dark blue dress which went below my knees, it had a low v shaped neck but didn't show off to much. I curled my hair into light curls. I then put a light bit of makeup on and put on my black pumps. I would normally wear heels but don't want to bring damage to the children because I tend to fall over in heels. I looked in the mirror and saw that my baby bump was showing a bit. I smile happily and walk downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs I see Oliver looking amazing as always, he was wearing a black button up shirt with the top undone and jeans. I smile back at his award winning smile, I'm so in love with him.

"Hey" he says huskily.

"Hi babe" I say and peck him on the lips.

"You look beautiful babe and your baby bump is showing" he says smiling brightly.

"You look handsome too babe and I know" I say smiling as well. He took my hand and lead me to his car, he helped me in then ran round and sat his side.

A while later we arrived at a restaurant not far from the pack house. Me and Oliver walked to the restaurant hand in hand. We walked in and was lead to our table, we both sat down in our seats.

"Hi I'm Charlotte and I'll be your waitress for this evening, would you like any drinks?" she asks politely whilst eyeing up Oliver.

"I'll have a coke" I growled, how dare she even look at Oliver!

"I'll have the same" Oliver says smiling.

"Ok be right back" she says winking at Oliver.

When she walked away I glared at Oliver, "How dare you even smile at her!" I nearly shouted at him.

"Babe I was only being polite" he said.

"No! You were flirting back!" I say angrily.

"I wasn't babe I wouldn't, I love you and you only" he said. "look if you want I can ask for a different waiter" he asked.

"Yes please" I said annoyed. He walked over to the waitress and talked and came back a while later.

"All sorted" he said.

"Good" I said smiling.

After we finished our delicious meals we both got back in the car and started driving back home.

"I'm sorry about earlier" I said guiltily.

"It's okay babe" he said and held my hand. We fell into a comfortable silence and I drifted off to sleep.

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