Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of a door opening nearby, a human wouldn't of heard it but being a werewolf I could hear it crystal clear. I opened my eyes slightly to see who it was and saw Oliver closing the door behind him as quiet as he could. Why is he going out? ...I must of fell asleep on him last night when we came back to watch a film in my room together. I close my eyes again thinking of when me and Oliver kissed it was so.... Amazing. I smiled at the thought and decided it was time to get out of bed. I lazily got to my feet and headed towards my bathroom for a quick shower. The hot water helped waking me up which I appreciated because I'm cranky in a morning if I don't wake up properly. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet and walked out into my room. I decided on a comfy pair of jeans and simple grey tank top. I walked back out but instead of walking into an empty room like I expected, Ann was sat down on my bed, causing me to jump.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack Ann" I say with my hand over my heart taking a few deep breaths, I must have been so far in my thoughts that I didn't hear her come in.

"Sorry" she says quietly.

"What's wrong Ann?" I say walking over to her.

"I just miss him so much" she says bursting into tears.

"Aww Ann I miss him too but he will want us to stay strong for him and specially for little junior" I say hugging her.

"I know" she says sadly.

"Come on cheer up" I say stroking her arm.

"Thanks Mimi, so what happened on your date" she asked smiling a little.

"I hate to admit this but it was amazing" I said grinning at the memory of last night.

"Full details" she screamed.

"Okay, well we went to this small Italian and went to a private room. We chatted about each other then he took me to that hill on the outskirts of town and we watched the sunset" I say smiling dreamily.

"So how was the kiss" she smiled happily.

"W-what kissed?" I said shyly.

"I know you kissed, I know everything Mimi and you know that" she smiled cheekily.

"Ok ok yes we did kiss and it was...magical but don't tell him that!" I say feeling all giggly inside.

"Aww I'm glad for you Mimi" she says hugging me. We sat talking for a little longer but had to go downstairs cause Ann got hungry.

In the afternoon me and Ann went round to Megan's, spending time in the swimming pool. It was fun to have some girly time just the three of us. Ann was laid on a sun lounger and me and Megan were splashing about in the pool. Me and Meg got out and sat on our towels which were laid on sun loungers either side of Ann.

"I'm so looking forward for when little junior comes" Meg says happily.

"Me too" I say smiling.

"Me three" says Ann.

"Have you decided on a name?" Meg asked curiously.

"I don't know for the first name but for his middle names it's Diego and Christian" she says smiling sadly. My eyes welled up from what she said.

"Y-your going to have Dad's and Diego's names as his middle names" I ask.

"Yeah so hopefully he will be as amazing as the two people he's named after" she says proudly.

"Thanks" was all I was able to say. Ann gave me a hug whilst we both had tears in our eyes from memory of them.

"What about Freddie" Meg chimed up trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah" I say trying to cheer up.

"Yeah, Freddie Diego Christian Howards" Ann says smiling.

We carried on talking about random stuff. It soon got dark and me and Ann went home.

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