Chapter 19

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Anastasia's Pov

~Last week~

I didn't know what to do about my doctor's appointment because Oliver and I were going to go together but he was in a coma so I couldn't go with him. I was going to ask Mimi but she was always with Oliver everyday so in the end I took Tia with me. She was really shocked when I told her why we were going to the doctor's and that I haven't told Diego yet, but she promised to keep the secret.

It was really scary at the doctor's, it took me a while to even say why I was here because I was so nervous. The doctor was a woman; she was really nice to me and explained everything. She started doing the check up and I soon found out I was around three months pregnant! Tia was so excited when I told her, she was even jumping up and down about it but I wasn't as excited because I was scared at what Diego would say or do when I tell him.....

~Present day~

I still haven't told Diego about me being pregnant. It's getting hard to keep it away from him because I'm getting a slight bump now. Tia keeps telling me that he will be over the moon about it and I should tell him. I've been telling her all week that I will tomorrow but I never do tell him. However she's warned me that if I don't tell him by the end of the week she will tell him herself. Today is the last day of the week and Diego, Tia, Jamie, Maisy and I were sat in the living room and talking about the wedding, I wonder how big I'll be at the wedding if I keep this baby.

"I want to go see Megan" Maisy said smiling at Tia.

"Okay Mai, do you want to come along Ann?" Tia asked me.

"Yeah okay I haven't seen her in a while" I answered smiling.

"We could go the game room?" Jamie asked Diego.

"Yeah sure, is that ok baby" Diego, my mate asked me.

"Yeah that's fine babe" I said whilst I walked over to him. I started kissing him tenderly and not wanting to pull away.

"Guys ten year old in the room" Tia shouted at us sounding like she had a smirk on her face. I quickly pulled away knowing I was blushing.

"S-Sorry" I whispered.

Tia gave Jamie a quick peck on the lips and then Maisy, Tia and I left the room and walked towards Tia's car. Maisy was sat in the back and Tia was in the driver's seat whilst I sat in the passenger seat. 

"I can't believe you still haven't told him" Tia said still keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yeah I know I was planning on telling him later" I said quietly.

"You better" Tia said cheekily and put her hand on my shoulder "I'm always here for you".

"Thanks" I said still nervous for later.

We fell into silence till we got to Megan's house. When we pulled up Maisy jumped out the car and ran to the door. Tia and I soon followed her; Megan answered the door and smiled at Maisy. 

"Hey guys haven't seen you in ages" she said whilst giving me and Tia a quick hug "Come in, the boys are in the game room".

We all walked in and towards the game room. Megan is the same age as me and Mimi; she also has twin older brothers who are 19. When we walked into the game room, Steve and Darren (Megan's brothers) were sat on the sofa playing some kind of shooting game.

"So who was at the door Sis?" Steve asked not looking up. Maisy sneaked behind the sofa and jumped up scaring them both, which made us all laugh.

"Hey that's not fair we were concentrating" the twins both said. We all just carried on laughing at them.

They both stood up "Well we will just have to give you all a really big hug now" they both had cheeky grins on their faces.

Oh no, when they say big hug they actually mean squishing you so hard you can barely breath. Maisy started squealing and running away, me, Tia and Megan followed her to the garden. They got Maisy first and gave her a 'big hug' then started walking over to me, Tia and Megan. My eyes went wide with the smirks on their face, oh no what were they going to do. Darren was more athletic and was stronger than Steve so he picked up me and Megan and Steve picked up Tia. They had strong grips on us so we couldn't get away, whilst they started walking towards the swimming pool. Then a few seconds later we were all in the pool trying to keep our heads above water because it was so cold. Me and the girls got out of the pool, we were all shivering a little bit but before we went in to get dry we had to get payback on the boys. They were both still stood near the pool; me and Maisy went towards Steve whilst Tia and Megan went towards Darren. I don't know how but we were able to push them both into the pool.

We all played in the pool and sunbathed for a couple of hours. When we finished we went inside and dried off. Luckily me and Tia were the same size as Megan so we borrowed some clothes off her and Maisy had a dress in the boot of the car. Tia went and grabbed the dress whilst I had a quick shower and got changed. But I had a problem when it came to trying to put the jeans on because they didn't fit me. I wrapped the towel around my waist and popped my head around the door.

"Erm Megan do you have any bottoms too big for you?" I said nervously, I know she's going to wonder why.

"Yeah I have a pair of jeans a size or two too big why?" she asked.

"Could I borrow them cause... Mine are too small" I quickly said.

"Yeah sure" Megan answered and threw a pair of jeans at me.

"Thanks" I said and closed the door. The jeans fitted but they were a little bit tight.

After we were all dry and changed. I got a phone call from Diego saying that Mimi was kidnapped by Tom and that we needed to get back. I was dazed for a while but Tia was asking what was wrong.

"Mimi w-was k-kidnapped" I said shakily, my best friend kidnapped by her mum's fiancée. The others were shocked but we soon started organising each other. Tia and Maisy went in Tia's car; she was going to take Maisy home before she came to the pack house. Me, Megan and the twins went in the twins car. Rushing to the pack house, all worried at what's happened to Mimi, hoping that she was okay...

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