Chapter 13

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~2 week later~

I just don't know what to do with myself anymore, Oliver's been gone for a whole two weeks! I know it doesn't sound long but it is when you love him! Also when your mates it's a lot worse. Everyone's been trying to get me to go places but I don't want to go just in case he comes back. It's hard to sleep at night because I either stay up crying over him or I have a nightmare that he never comes back. If that happened it means I can't tell him my secret...


A few days after I found out that Oliver had left I woke up feeling really sick. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up, I've been like this since the day after I found out Oliver had left. Thinking its only food poisoning I left it but when I told Ann she told me I should go to the doctors. I decided it was the best way so I rang up and luckily I had an appointment that day.

I went off on my own to the doctors when I got there I parked up and walked in. A few minutes later my name was called, I walked in and they did a blood test. She walked out and sorted out things whilst I looked round the room at the pictures of babies, aww they look so cute. I've always loved babies and wanted a big family but I wanted to be married first. A few minutes of mindless thinking the doctor walked in.

"Hi Miss Howard I have checked over what's wrong with you and it's not food poisoning-"she says.

"Oh so is it some sort of flu or something?" I ask interrupting her.

"Miss, you're not're pregnant" she says with a small smile.

"What?" I say not believing my ears.

"You are around three weeks pregnant" she says smiling.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"It will be another five weeks till I can give you a proper scan and find out how many" she says.

"Ok thanks" I say with a small smile.

~End of flashback~

I haven't told anyone my secret yet because I'm still shocked that I'm pregnant, I'm five weeks gone now.

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