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~1 months later~

I've been married to my amazing and perfect in every way husband for one month now. Were all moved into our new house now, even not so little Reggie who has his own little house in the house. Freddie is now seven months old and I'm expecting the babies any day now. Miley and Darren had their wedding a few weeks after ours. Then Daisy and Steve got married a week after Miley and Darren's wedding.

Me, Oliver, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Cody were sat on the chairs outside watching Ella and Freddie laying on the blanket in front of us. I then felt a really bad sharp pain, I've been having these for a while now, I then felt water come from below me. Everyone had their eyes on me then stepped into action. Hermione picked up Freddie whilst Cody picked up Ella and took them over to their car.

"We'll have Freddie, you get Mimi to the hospital" Hermione said quickly walking towards the cars.

Oliver helped me up and took us over to our car, he passed over Freddie's car seat to Cody. He then got in the driver's seat and drove us off to the hospital.

We soon got to the hospital due to Oliver driving like a maniac. I was taken to a room where a doctor checked how far along I was.

"You're ready to deliver" the doctor said.

I was then rushed into the delivering room and I didn't have to wait long till I had to start pushing. Oliver was next to me holding my hand and telling me to push. I pushed what felt like for ages but then heard a baby cry.

"Congratulations you have a baby boy" the doctor said.

The nurse took the baby and cleaned him up and soon came back with him wrapped in a blue blanket. She gave me my baby boy and I cradled him.

"The other baby doesn't seem to be ready to be born just yet. You have about ten minutes till you need to start pushing for the next baby" the doctor said.

"The doctor told me I'm having one of each" I said.

"Okay" he said and talked to the nurses.

I looked down at my gorgeous baby boy and smiled. He looked so much like his father but had my black hair. I then felt another sharp pain, I quickly gave the baby to Oliver who put him in a crib.

"Guessing she doesn't want to wait" the doctor chuckled.

The doctor told me to start pushing whilst Oliver did as well. A while later I heard another baby cry, I sighed in relief. The doctor picked the baby up and looked confused whilst he passed the baby to the nurse.

"There must of been a bit of confusion with the ultrasound because you have another baby boy, congratulations" the doctor said. I was a bit shocked but knew that there was a slight chance of that happening.

"Okay" I say tiredly, this whole giving birth business is extremely tiring.

The nurse passes me the newest baby, he was identical to his brother. They took us back to the room where I was before. I had both of my gorgeous baby boys in my arms.

"Wow, we have three boys" I say shocked.

"So what should we name them?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know, I like the names Justin, Rhys, Harry and Cole" I suggested.

"I like Cole and Rhys" he said.

"Okay why don't we call the first born Cole Rhys Wilson?" I asked.

"Perfect, I like the names Zack, Carl and Logan" he suggested. I thought for a second then smiled,

"Logan Zack Wilson" I said smiling more.

"Perfect we have our little Cole and Logan" Oliver said smiling.

"Is it okay if the others come in?" Oliver asked me, noticing them at the door.

"Yeah but only for a little while cause I'm tired" I said. He went over to the door and the pack walked in.

All of them were saying "Aww there so cute", "I thought you were having one of each" and "What are they called?".

"Give her some time she's just had twins" Oliver said.

"I was told I was having one of each but turns out I have two boys" I said and took a breath, "We named them Cole Rhys Wilson and Logan Zack Wilson" I said happily whilst pointing at each baby when I said their names.

The pack kept fussing over the new born's but soon had to go because I got too tired. Oliver came into my bed and I snuggled in his arms whilst thinking of my new born babies and soon drifted off to sleep thinking of our future....


...or is it?

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