Chapter 1

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*This chapter is dedicated to typicalfandomlife for making my amazing banner^^*

Mimi's Pov

I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling above my bed. I'm wide awake but I just don't want to move. It's been three months since my older brother, Diego's death. I miss him terribly and I've cried the past three months over him but I need to be brave for my mum and for the pack. Luckily me and Ann was fine after being kidnapped we had cuts and bruises but we healed fast because we're werewolves. I've also been helping Ann out to make sure she doesn't do anything to hurt herself and I've also been helping her with the pregnancy. She's getting quite big now, she's six months pregnant, only three months left. I've been going with her to the check-ups. I got up knowing someone will come and wake me up soon if I didn't. I grabbed my denim three-quarters and grey tank top then went into my bathroom for a nice long hot shower to wake me up. When I got out I put on my clothes then curled my long black hair and put on some eye liner and mascara. I went and grabbed my phone from my bedside table and popped it into my pocket then headed downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. Auntie Hermione, Uncle Cody, Rory, Ann, mum and Oliver were in the kitchen already. Auntie Hermione, Uncle Cody and Rory are staying with us, because of what happened to mum to support her and the pack. I grabbed a plate and got some toast and bacon. I walked over to the kitchen island and sat down on a chair next to Oliver and Ann.

"Hey guys what do you want to do today?" I asked them then had some toast.

"Let's go shopping" Oliver said in a fake girl voice. Me and Ann laughed at him, it was good to hear Ann laughing properly.

"Maybe but first we need to go the doctors" Ann said still laughing slightly at Oliver still.

"Oh yeah, I forgot today's the day" I say happily.

"Maybe we could meet up with the girls after" Ann suggested to me.

"Yeah sure, why don't you go get changed and we can go to the doc's" I said smiling.

"Ok won't be long" she said hopping off the chair and going upstairs.

I looked round the room at everyone. Oliver and Rory was chatting about something, most likely about football or something. I then looked over at my Auntie and Uncle who were still loved up. We found out that auntie Hermione is pregnant, she's two months gone. I then looked over to mum who was making a cup of coffee. I feel bad for her losing her son and finding out her fiancée lied to her and was part of the moonlit pack. I walked over to her and gave her a quick hug.

"Hey sweetie you ok?" she asks me.

"Hey mum, yeah I'm ok you?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine" she says smiling.

"Ok mum, well me and Ann are going to the doctors in a bit then going shopping so we will be back later, do you need anything?" I asked.

"I'm fine thanks, have fun sweetie" she quickly gives me a kiss on the forehead.

I head up to my room to get some stuff for the mall. I grabbed my car keys, credit card and some money and popped them into my bag. I then went into my closet and put on a pair of pumps. I was just heading towards the door to go downstairs when someone knocked on my door. I opened the door and saw Oliver. We kissed that one time but we weren't dating, just seeing how things go because I don't know if I'm ready yet. He's been so nice and patient with me.

"Hey Mimi I was just wondering if...Erm well you wanted to go on a date w-with me, well it doesn't have to be a date but us two going out for a meal somewhere?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah sure" I say softly.

"Well I'll pick you up at 8 babe" he said winking going back to his confident self.

"Now out, I got to go out with Ann" I say pushing him out my room.

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss" he said doing puppy eyes on me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's so not going to work on me" I say then walked downstairs. Ann was stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

"You ready to go see the little one, mummy!" I say jokingly.

"Yeah" she says sadly.

"Don't be sad, D will be so proud and I bet he's watching over us right now shouting at us to get a move on so we can finally find out if you're having a boy or girl" I say trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah your right" she says smiling slightly at the thought.

"So let's get a move on, cause I want to know if I'm getting a niece or nephew" I say happily. We both walked over to my car, I had to help Ann get in though.

We wasn't in the doctors for long which was good. Ann could of found out the sex of the baby a while ago but she didn't want to know until recently. I still think it's weird how you can see the unborn baby on the little screen. We found out that Ann is going to have a little boy. Me and Ann are now sat in my car in the doctors car park.

"So should I ring the girls to meet us at the mall or do you want it to be just you and me or do you want to go home?" I asked Ann who was looking at the baby scan.

"Meet the girls at the mall so we can tell them the news and help choose baby clothes" she says half smiling. I rang up the girls and I drove us to the mall to go shopping.

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