Chapter 23

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Anastasia's Pov

I woke up with a really bad headache and my whole body hurt. I slowly opened my eyes having to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust. I was laid on a small bed what wasn't at all comfy. There were no windows but there was a little light bulb so it wasn't pitch black in the room. My arms and legs were tied up so I couldn't move around. I then noticed the dried blood I had on my legs and on my top. My eyes went wide when I saw the blood on my top and the pain I had in my stomach. The baby might be hurt! Is that good or bad thing though?

Interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a creaking noise and saw the door opening slightly. It was a boy who looked a year or two older than me; he had blonde hair and jade green eyes. He smiled slightly and walked over to me. I remembered him, he's the son of the alpha of the Moonlit Pack, his name is Tony. At school, Tony and his sister Rachel were the biggest players. He's slept with most of the girls at school and Rachel's slept with most of the boys at our school. It disgusts me when I think back to when Rachel and Diego had a thing before he found me. He looked at me but he seemed different, normally he always had a smirk on his face but today he was frowning.

"Hey you ok?" I asked slightly concerned.

"You've just been kidnapped and you're asking me if I'm ok?" he said laughing slightly.

"Yeah but you seem different" I said curiously.

"Well there's not much chance you're going to survive so I think I can tell you. I don't want to do this anymore, sleeping with a girl, breaking her heart then pretending it never happened. Since my mum's death, dad has changed, he taught me to never trust women there just here for pleasure, but then I found my mate" he said looking down.

"Oh" was all I was able to say. He looked at me and then he started smiling like he had an idea.

"I don't know how but I'm going to try and help you and Mimi to escape. I can't just watch them do this again" he said smiling slightly.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"I need to prove that I'm worthy of a mate like her" He said dreamily.

"Thanks, does your mate know?" I asked him.

"Nope, I've only seen her once I don't even know her name" he said sadly.

"Oh well if this ends I will help you" I say quietly.

"Sadly I won't be able to stop them from hurting you until you escape but I will try" he says sadly and headed towards the door "I will come back later" he said before closing the door behind him.

I looked at the space he was just stood, I'm shocked he's going to help me I just hope he keeps his word and doesn't get hurt doing so. But honestly I just want to be back in Diego's arms again.......

Diego's Pov

As soon as I got back I could tell something wasn't right. We all changed back into human form and grabbing the clothes we had wrapped around out feet and changing into them. I started to run towards the house wondering what's happened and if mum was ok. I was soon met near the front door by Jamie.

"Diego, it isn't good, wolves from another pack have attacked Hayley and Ann is missing. They've taken her to hospital as it was really deep cuts" Jamie said sadly, putting an arm on my shoulder to try and reassure me.

"It's the Moonlit Pack, they have Ann at this cabin house in the forest, and I think they might have Mimi too" I say frustrated.

"Everyone get some rest and be ready to fight tomorrow! I'm off to the hospital to see mum" I shout to everyone.

When I got to the hospital I was shocked, I can't believe what they have done to my mum. She looks so delicate, laid there with bandages all over. I watched as she slept on the hospital bed. I didn't want to sleep just in case she woke up but I knew it was better to sleep because tomorrow is the day I get my mate and hopefully my little sister back. I fell asleep thinking of when I was younger and Mimi, mum, dad and me were at the beach....

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