Chapter 19

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I took out the note from my pocket and read it, it said....

Dear Mimi

I know I shouldn't of done this but I can't live without Diego anymore, you'd understand if you was in the same situation, if it was Oliver. I tried to stay strong but I couldn't, so I promised myself I would give birth to Freddie before I killed myself. I know this sounds horrible but I couldn't live looking at Freddie everyday having a permanent reminder of Diego and that he wasn't here with us.

Just remember that I love you loads and I'm glad I had you as a best friend. Tell the pack I love all of them too and I want you and Oliver to be Freddie's parents seeing as his real ones are now dead. I hope this isn't too much pressure for you both, specially seeing as you've got twins on the way. I just know you're the next blood relative other than your mum. Tell Freddie I love him loads and to never ever blame himself for this and explain to him about mates and stuff when he's old enough, so hopefully he can understand. Sorry for asking so much of you...

Love from Ann xoxoxo

I re-read the note and wiped away the tears that fell. I wish she hadn't of done this, I need her so much but I understand why she did it and I will make sure she is never forgotten. I just wish I knew she was having these thoughts, I could of tried helping her! I will do as she says and look after Freddie for her and bring him up as my own. I put the note back into my pocket then I saw the pack walk towards me. I won't tell anyone about this note until the doctor clarifies that she has passed away, I don't want the pack to be questioning her about it if she survives. They all were upset and we huddled around each other waiting to find out if she's alive or not. We saw the doctor walk towards us and we all held our breaths.

"Hello are you here for Miss Turner?" he asked us.

"Yes" we said in union.

"We have sad news, Miss Turner sadly passed away, she suffered from loss of blood because of the knife wound, the knife just missed her heart but she lost too much blood for us to save her. We're ever so sorry" he said sadly.

We all took in deep breaths and had tears in our eyes with some trickling down our cheeks. My best friend is dead, it feels surreal she can't be gone she just can't be! I need her back!

~2 month later~

It's been exactly two month since my best friend, Anastasia had killed herself. We mourned for her but we all had to move on because with a baby it's always hectic so you don't have time to just mope around, we all miss Ann terribly but we know she won't want us moping around. She's in a better place with Diego, that's what I have to keep telling myself. We had her funeral a couple of days after she died, as the hospital kept the body for investigation before letting us have it. The whole pack and her family were there as well. About a week after the funeral Hermione gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, she named her Ella. She had Hermione's brown hair and Cody's green eyes. Me and Oliver sorted the adoption stuff out for Freddie and are now legally his parents. We also had the 16 week scan not long ago and found out that we are having a boy and a girl.

Me and Oliver sat in the living room with Freddie laid down on his play mat. Freddie is now just over a month old and he's starting to say 'bot' for bottle, it's probably just baby talk but I swear he's trying to speak. I still think he's absolutely adorable but every time I look at him I see Diego and Ann in him which brings a tear to my eye. I look down at Freddie and think of my unborn babies, I'm four months pregnant now only five months left till I can hold them in my arms. The pack has been coming round occasionally to help look after Freddie.

"Hey, I've decided you two are going out tonight whilst I look after Freddie" mum says when she walks into the room.

"Are you sure mum" I asked.

"It's fine sweetie I love babysitting Freddie and any other grand kids at that" she says smiling.

"Thanks mum" I say smiling and kissing her cheek.

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